Planet Earth

April 8th, 2024

The human beings we must and we have the obligation to respect the Planet Earth and all organism that the Integra; from the microscopic one to most complex. If the humans instead of to destroy, we observed as million and million interact to each other of organisms that coexist between us, we would learn many things related to the term coexistence, having helped us to be better people. The nature gives to a lesson of tolerance and respect us hacias other alive beings. It is not nothing else necessary to pay attention to give us account to him that the pacific coexistence is possible. For example plants exist that dissuade to the animal by means of their bad flavor; and there are certain animal that ingest their leaves with the purpose of to be rejected by their enemies.

There are fish that are desparacitados by other smaller fish; birds that deposit their eggs in other nests, being these accepted by its function of bush flies. The sluggish one needs the green seaweed that grows in their body like camouflage to protect itself of the enemy, and the seaweed needs as well cells of its hair to live. And thus it would be possible to be continued enumerating endless of examples of life common one, or dependency of life without harming the other, with the purpose of to only protect itself. That he is what the human beings do not do; but quite the opposite, practices the cult to the destruction of all type of life or with eagerness of economic results, or by the simple fact to destroy. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit george karfukel. It is not necessary to go more far than to see when call also arrives the time from Easter or week of tourism, as it promotes by different mass media the places in which it is possible to be gone to hunt certain animal. And many children from early ages go adquirindo the culture to kill animal due to killing as he deports.

We must think that ” equilbrio” in all the senses he means the same; the balance of a human being and the balance of the nature go by the same way; when this one is broken and it is not healed in time, this one does not return to be the same, being sequels that in many cases are very serious and irreversible. Like irreversible it is the indiscriminate animal hunting that has taken to the extinction of several species, by the macabre and mediocre aim to presume a fur coat, a carpet in a wall or the figure of an animal in a corner of the house; like trophy of being able, in front of the same animal or to feel more important and more powerful than other people. When we are going to understand that we are not the owners of the Planet Earth, nor the unique alive beings we inhabited who it; when we are going to understand that one is not due to kill and yes to respect the Life, all type of Life; that all we needed all in its measured joust. Measured joust that is given from the creation of the Universe; nothing is here by itself; everything has because and an aim; on this one measured joust we depend all the Alive Beings and the Planet Earth. Here you will find articles of quality for the care of the body, the mind and the spirit; besides other sections like being: Sports, Entertainments, Computation, Health, Painting, Languages and more.


Viable Development

April 8th, 2024

While greater it is the slope of the footpaths of cavalcades, major is the impact that causes the flow of horses in the ecosystem. That simple. Rusty holzer is often quoted as being for or against this. She is this one one of the preliminary conclusions at which &quot arrived the project; Supporting the viable development of the cavalcades in wild areas protegidas" that it executes the School of Guides of the Patagonia with the financing of the Bottom of Proteccin Ambiental (FPA) of the National Commission of the Environment (CONAMA), with the support of the Forest National Corporation (CONAF), the Research center in Ecosystems of Patagonia (CIEP) and local operators of cavalcades of Villa Hill Castle. They are the 4 objectives of the initiative, that counts on a global amount of $ 22 million, of which the FPA contributes to $ 9 million. First he is the one of investigation, that develops to the institution in coordination with CONAF and the CIEP by means of the analysis of the impacts of the tourist use of this activity in natural spaces of the Region of Aysn, for which was selected as study territory the National Reserve Hill Castle. Connect with other leaders such as rusty holzer here. Secondly – and complementary it is the qualification to students of the School Guides of the Patagonia, in a module of classes of 6 days of duration in land, and a mini course to the members of the Grouping of Tourist Services live Castle A.G (6 months), in techniques of minimisation of impacts, attention to the client and handling of risks, among others specific. The fulfillment of this objective will allow to approach the third party, that is the diffusion of the results between the community by means of a manual of good practices of cavalcade that will be worked altogether with the Network of Rural Tourism of the Institute of Farming Development. Finally a work of extension with the students of the school of Villa is considered Hill Castle for year ends, in the matter of cavalcades in the reserve near the locality. .


Homemade Remedies for Cellulitus

February 23rd, 2021

The consumption of fruits and vegetables generally is an excellent method to maintain to us healthy and to optimize the operation of our organism. But for tastes the colors as it says the saying. All the fruits and vegetables we cannot like, but even so and when we are adult, we must more recognize its nutritional qualities and their benefits and not let take to us by the simple one in fact to remember that of small we did not like such vegetable or such fruit. Nowadays there is sinfn of prescriptions to prepare any food, being caused that often that fruit or vegetable that we did not like passes a little unnoticed in our palate, but not his nutrients and minerals. With regard to the natural treatments it is possible to stress that diverse varieties exist like are it those of oral type and those of topical type, that is to say that they are applied on the skin, or they are in massages, compressed or baths.

And if we spoke more specifically of the treatments to eliminate the homemade cellulitis, they are very effective and the best thing of everything is than they are quite economic. Therefore we will explain two types of treatment, based in a same product but with different applications. So you only must choose the one that agrees to you more. The first prescription will serve to you to prepare a drink that will help you to eliminate the cellulitis. What you need is vinegar of apple and water.

In a glass (that contains around 8 ounces of water) it adds two spoonfuls of the apple vinegar. You wish if it you can just a little bit add honey to sweeten. This drink you must ingest it every morning. And with the second prescription, you would prepare an oil for massage. You only need to incorporate a pair of drops of the vinegar of apple to the oil for massage with which you count and to apply it by means of small massages, at least in two occasions to the day. Anmate to put in practice anyone of these prescriptions! Beam Click to see a practical and simple formula Here that it helped you to melt and to eliminate the cellulitis for always.

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Coronary Arteries

January 23rd, 2021

Of the cardiovascular diseases, the one of the coronary arteries (EAC), that is of the heart, it is the main cause of murder in the men and the women in the United States. In fact, he is most popular anywhere in the world. What you can make to prevent it? Here I give some advice you so that you consider if you want to have a heart that walks to all march. The coronary arteries play a very important role in your health: they give to your heart the nutrients and the oxygen him that needs through the chaste one. But, what happens if the flow of the chaste one is obstructed? The call arises disease from the coronary arteries (EAC). Learn more on the subject from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries.

The cause of this disease of the heart, is the bad cholesterol particle accumulation, triglycerides, fatty acids that form a well-known plate like plate of ateroma that is deposited inside the walls of the arteries. This it is known him as arteriosclerosis and it hardens and it reduced the diameter of the arteries. As the arteries cover more, the heart receives less chaste and is then when you can verify pain in the chest or angina of chest, that can be flanked of difficulty to breathe and other symptoms. The episode under the disease of coronary arteries is an infarct or attacks the heart more. The disease of the coronary arteries is developed during years without it discounts to you. Quiet field in your organism is abre, and perhaps for when you have the symptoms, it is too much behind schedule. For that reason, the secret is in taking preventive measures on the matter. The life habits that you take are keys to avoid or slow down with which this disease of the heart progresses.

Taking notices of these advice and you do not doubt in putting them in experience as rapidly as possible: 1-Do exercise: practicing a physical activity daily aid to shorten the factors of adventure of the disease of the coronary arteries: like lifted cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension and obesity. 2-Leave smoke: if you do not want to suffer of an attack to heart, dile goodbye to the cigarette. 3-Take a healthy diet: integral fruits, vegetables and grains are the key. 4-Control your cholesterol levels:hazte one tries to evaluate your cholesterol when you turn 20 years and every 5 Aprils from then. 5-Measure your sanguineous pressure to learn if it is inside normal limits, if it is high taking measured to control it. 6-Lose weight, coverall if you have accumulated obesity around the waist. It finds the other 2 councils Here missing original Author and source of the article.


Original Glass

January 23rd, 2021

It weighed 185 kg and podia not to lower of weight. She was my so difficult to respect the diets and tapeworm money not to buy so expensive products that they prometian to lower my stature. Until he speaks with my doctor and segui its advice: As easy as to only lower the dose of scrap iron mitad.” You must alternate the days, for example Monday noncomere pastelitos, papitas, candies, coffee, tortillas, etc. and would think that you must only hold the diet by a day so that Tuesday IF you can eat what is. (Source: PCRM). Thus around a year habras eaten half of food chatarra.> easy to be satisfied when you do not eat a taquito before serving you.

Pon in the table your soup, a plate with your meat, puree of Popes, sauce, your tortillas, and also your dessert. The refreshment glass, also one of water or juice, and before eating visualizes everything what estara inside of you in the next minutes. It thinks about grazes, flour, gas, meat, vegetables, liquid, candy, calories, Then etc. eats the first healthful one avoiding tortillas and the dessert and takes the first water and the juice before the refreshment. Almost in the end it already commits the tortilla with I complete meat small piece and takes your refreshment, I half assure that no longer you took all the glass, quisaz to you glass.

and to the dessert arrancale a piece. Perhaps for when fences in the middle of the dessert already estaras satisfied. Good I happen to me thus after weeks, not immediately, even the day that was called on to me to eat what queria I myself decidia not to eat chatarra.> it does not feel to me with dream, therefore I load of energy and volume to me a simple water glass, although not yet it passes the water to me you only accustom volume 3 or 4 traguitos, But that eliminates all the toxins. Later breakfast all liquid. That is to say, I prepare a delicious one liquefied. Volume until a glass of mixer single I, but a glass you. I always do my liquefied and so I have in refri, strawberries with yogurt and oats, or pineapple with honey and a little saborizante of strained pineapple, apple with an egg, or simply chocolate with milk. Furthermore I add ice and cinnamon to servirlo.> coffee in the filter I put the charity fair flower, accustom endulso and accustom no. When I do not want to eat fruit and I have in house like the kiwi or the pear I prepare, it as fresh water with ice and honey and I take myself up to 2 vasos.> Original author and source of the article.


Stress Symptoms

January 22nd, 2021

An erroneous interpretation of the narrow bond exists in many cases that connects these two symptoms. For who looks for to explain if the trigger of stress or stress the causal one of the acufeno is the acufeno, it has a simple although sometimes disturbing answer: both assertions are correct. Anthony Corolla has much experience in this field. The acufenos can bring about a state of stress due to the annoyances and upheavals that produce in suffers who them, and stress can aggravate or intensify these same annoyances or inclusively to intensify the perception of the typical sounds of the acufenos. In other words, the relation between stress and acufenos become a vicious circle that, as it spends the time without treatment, can get to become in a torture for the people undergo who it. When rendering attention to the swings of this group of symptoms we can observe that when the acufeno patient is exhibited to violent pressures, situations, fatigue or preoccupations, its perception of the acufeno (or tinnitus) is increased and prevented to focus themselves in solving the situations estresan that it. By another side, when the patient feels that the humming or pitido of the acufeno is very high; more easily, about minimum questions and usually it alters his psychic state.

It is essential for who undergoes this situation, the awareness about this bidirectional relation between the acufeno and stress, like thus also of the factors aggravate that them. Many writers such as Dr. Steven Greer offer more in-depth analysis. From this knowledge the patient will be able to identify the situations or factors that deserve to be boarded with certain collections. Besides to be taken precautions (and of the treatment indicated by the doctor), many alternatives exist to cut this vicious circle of malaise and to produce a psychic change and improvement of the quality of life. The physical exercise, the techniques of relaxation and a sensible feeding can help to cross these situations of a much more healthful way. There is a well-known but very effective method little that is guaranteed to cause that the acfenos disappear for always. If you want to read like I personally I managed accidentally to eliminate the acfenos, there are Click Here. Original author and source of the article.


Enterprising Spirit

January 17th, 2014

In this occasion I would like platicarte on which many people would wish to have and those have who it or we have, sometimes we do not know that to do with. I have read some books that speak on the importance of having an enterprising spirit at the time of wanting to be industralist and to establish the bases for a new business, good then dejame I comment my experience to you. God has given the blessing me (sometimes), of being an enterprising person in all the extension of the word. During my almost 40 years you I can comment everything what I have undertaken: * Sale of timesharings * Article Sale of cleaning * Candy Sale * Sale of insurances, credit cards, check accounts * Sale of you measure * Sauce Sale and condiments * sticky tape Sale * nutrition product Sale, as much tablets, as drunk * I have participated in network marketing or multilevel * I have promoted telephone lines by Internet * I have sold orange juice in botellitas of 500 ml in a cruise in the street * Story with a company of coaching of businesses and they are had to me been a great one I number of businesses and ideas in the way that not yet I have put in practice. I believe that already you can see a little which I talk about that not always the best thing is to have an enterprising spirit the unique things that have been constant in my life, are my wife and to be in area of sales worries handcuffs it that being so money changer, is going someday it to change her.

jajaja. In my experience we must have a combination of entrepreneur with implementador and follower Meaning that must look for to be constant in some of the ideas that we undertake or to look for teammates of work which they can help us with the pursuit. For all the people who like I, jump very quickly from an idea to another one, I suggest to them realise a plan of businesses or an action plan, in which they are committed to obtain certain goals and not to turn aside itself of its plan until obtaining them I like much to make the analogy of the ready for sowing one, when your sowings some seed, you must hope to obtain the fruits, since at the time of seeding it does not have nor it plants at least, then when the plantita is born, has that to take care of it and later with time arrives the fruit At the people who are like I, we do not give time him to the idea that enraize and is possible to be born the plantita that is going to bear the fruits to us. Then to develop to patience sera also a good one practices for all the people who identify themselves with me. Several books exist in the bookstores that speak on like staying focused.

What there is past to me, it is that still I do not finish the book and I am already reading another one, jajaja. It is a serious thing. I wish best and dejame you your message to know that I am not the unique hardened enterprising crazy person who does not manage to finish nothing or very not much. A hug and until next original Author and source of the article.


The Fear

December 28th, 2012

Learns to handle the fear: in the majority of the occasions the fear is originated in your thoughts and these they bring about a be in favor to you of anguish and of consequence stress. You can reduce it to the fear replacing the negative or disagreeable thoughts by images that they tranquilize to you, positive thoughts, that cause that your body begins to relax. Something recommendable is that cheers now. Humor: It includes whenever you can humor and the enthusiasm to your life, a pinch of humor, laughter and enthusiasm will to a great extent contribute to dominate your stress. The laughter and the good humor will improve the relations with the people who surround and in a situation by stop stress to you, humor or the laughter will really lower your high levels of stress.

When DES tells you that these extremely estresada deal with acordarte of something funny, of a joke or something that causes that you ***reflx mng yourself. Humor always will cause that you see the situations from a different perspective. As it were said in previous articles, stress will be in your life and is inevitable, but also you can fight it. It tries to follow these advice, if you see that you have some symptom of stress, you do not leave advance until the point to explode, as rapidly as possible detects the cause by which you feel thus and implements the method that pleases to lower you more to the levels of stress in your body and mind, this will do that benefits every day of your life. It would enchant to know your opinion to me, I invite to you to share this article with friendly or relatives who can be seen beneficiaries with the information. Original author and source of the article.



November 12th, 2012

Other times we pause by laziness, lack of faith, surrounded lack of energy or in a negative energy. In we developed techniques to harness the action of the floral energies, those remedies of the soul. Many people resorting to the Seth of Bach decide to take Gentian to fight the failure experience, to avoid the sadness, and to forget the hopelessness. To resort to Gentian is right but to aspire to be generated an amnesia with regard to which it has felt is to aspire to a loss. My recommendation is: It does not aspire to the forgetfulness. It never rejects what is his or what was directed to you.

It is worth the pain to have it and to retain it. Nonsubject to the emotions that can bring. The emotions are made to feel said them Bach, are the thermostat of their life, the compass will guide that it well. Their spiritual advisors, their inner guides speak to him clearly to you by means of emotions, sensations, feelings, symptoms. He is worth the pain to learn his language. He does when it he will not take in noticing that to silence them never it is an intelligent measurement.

The face of the failure can to be its solitude of today, a closed banking account, to sleep all the morning because the work is had lost, the disappointment in case she were victim of a swindle. This is the face that is to reject itself and must know that it is a temp face that can recompose as the semblante fallen with a good diet or the rest recomposes. This thought will abrir the doors to him to the idea of future success. It aspires to surpass itself, aspires to discover the gold nuggets that will appear with the study of their failure. An objective and responsible study that does not have much to do with remembering of an car-indulgent way.
