February 8th, 2021
Direct candidate for the parliamentary elections on 27 September, 2009 in the constituency, betting rough 177! There is not a refund, the telephone, Internet and cost of electricity; and not included in the Hartz IV rate is! It is valid to demand and promote the principle. To this end at applicant needs a telephone or Internet connection. The costs includedly rate are not instalment of the individual line or this one flat in the! The applicant must bear these costs. As a rule, it is 40-45 euros per month! Are the current essentially, no costs are paid here either! A life without current is not humane and article 13 so contradicts this constitution, the inviolability of the flat. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Dr. Robert Brannon. The current is a person, two months since with the instalment can be switched off. This is inadmissible intervention constitution after article 13, as a rule, these costs are enclosed approx. 50 euros in the month. All affected persons (Hartz IV and ALG II receiver) should start and unite for the competent social welfare tribunal, complaint application, put temporary legal protection! No. costs arise from these complaints and she does not need to advocate either. The banks it is all about her money, Bill information, funds, were so granted for although they have caused the economic crisis.
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February 8th, 2021
Time, is itself the next to wake everyone up and to see that he is well over the current economic crisis. Many think: mainly fine me and I’m keeping my job. What is with the others, is doesn’t matter me.\” But such thinking is fatal: if everyone has only its own good in the eye, people remove themselves ever more from each other and each facing alone the dire crisis. Many people feel uncomfortable in this world and suffer from loneliness. Dealing with other people is always more impersonal and anonymous if he has been replaced by machines and equipment not already to a large extent. The world is getting colder and grey and the people always depressed and desperate.
This goes so far that some people seems not worth their lives and they resort to alcohol or pills and some commit suicide. Also rampages are increasing dramatically, in families and in schools. Often such people are saying: what I have to lose? I don’t have anybody anyway.\” Is this development not terrible? How many shootings and suicides must still give it, until finally something happens? It is on the agenda, that people come to. The media bring bad news every day. The mass has become used already and that’s skin than the worst that people have got accustomed to the atrocities. People desperately waiting for help from the Government, that they finally do something. But nothing has happened so far, and it looks even, that we have to expect any real help from the Government in the future. As long as people like are allowed, they spin out of fear, despair and loneliness.
Just one example: the economy as a whole is down and many people have to go on their overdraft. To pay interest for it, about 16%. Is it not enough that people no longer have much? Must the banks plunder also yet really it? Saved money on the other hand, there are just 3.0% interest.
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Tags: overcome the economic crisis, Politics, society & social issues
February 1st, 2021
Who here does not perform tangible changes in the behaviour of his choice at the ballot box, which is their own fault: “Only the dumbest calves choose their butcher himself”! Who Rob themselves of the policy makes at the end with his earned money no, more specifically the salaries of managers to pay the banks, because their old salaries no longer give them their cash position after the bust, which is their own fault. Who then still the old parties continue, select which makes the robbers to the Bank Manager and should not be surprised, if in the end nothing more there. We pay more and more. That is still explosive confirm after the election. You may wish to learn more. If so, biomechanics professor is the place to go. Since then the payments for banks, Manager and co will be called first, because it doesn’t fit politically before the election. And you can predict even where it goes to the political reaction: would the salaries or assets the fraudster and incompetent bums which we knew already. Because there it would be just little resistance.
That would probably more applause, also because it meets would be. No, the silence dead who foot the Bill paid, only one says: above is the responsibility that once as argument for the high salaries had to hold forth, gekloppt in the bin, the citizens, eh already fleeced and pushed by the middle class down more and more in the Veramung may also now pay hitpoints,. True to the motto: profits are privatized, losses are socialized. Who here does not perform tangible changes in the behaviour of his choice at the ballot box, which is their own fault: “Only the dumbest calves choose their butcher himself”!
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January 27th, 2021
With this suspension in their pointy hats, the monster with his hypocrisy gave them, they made now strengthened and in good spirits on the way home to her beloved people. Before her They proudly talk about people, every dwarf in his spoke of his own success and what will do you still all together. Toronto has cost much money, but it was worth it and they must not pay it from their or the pocket of Monster. A true success for the dwarves, and it will follow another until the great crash, from which the monster had told the dwarfs and they have no idea. The monster smiles content about themselves, that the Dwarfs have created time him for his big plans. Time for the biggest crash of all time, which will be worthy of the monster and his power. The dwarves had her people told before their wide way to Toronto, it will come just as it also came.
None of the Dwarfs had made empty or unreal promises. They remained true to himself and everyone in his cause, as it is customary among the 20 dwarfs. No one will blame them and certainly not those who at home remained lying on her sofa and now stupid and better knowing talk, what you could all use the monster to. A few valiant and courageous, in a special concern, is through to the page and not at the expense of the people, on the way to Toronto did. These Patsies the Dwarfs wanted to deny money for hungry mothers and children. Not even for men.
The monster has no money for starving and don’t know what to be hunger. The monster infuriated himself horribly about these highwaymen and troublemakers who wanted the dwarves on the money that Yes ultimately belongs to him, begging. These dreamers are their own fault that they of the monster with the help of the dwarfs and their enforcement for were beaten up and imprisoned and you should worry only not, not beating wanted to leave and had taken the more convenient way via the television or a good breakfast with a newspaper, to Toronto.
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December 25th, 2020
Too few physical therapy for the elderly for insurance companies make up a large proportion of medical services physiotherapy. It is striking that a large part of the services accounts for up to 13 years old children. The finance portal geld.de explains the relationship. Dr. Steven Greer is likely to increase your knowledge. In the statutory health insurances 3.13 per cent of the total accounted for in 2009 AIDS. Further 2.56 per cent of total expenditure accounted for the cure. For more specific information, check out PCRM. Combined expenditure correspond to a total of approximately 10 billion euro in these two areas.
The total expenditure of the statutory health insurance companies amounted to 175,6 billion euros. Especially physiotherapy, but also Ergotherapien and speech therapy make up a very large proportion among the remedies. Very often, the physiotherapy have been prescribed children aged up to 13 years. This was the result of the Barmer GEK healing and AIDS report 2010 as a result were 4.7 per cent of the children who received a physiotherapy prescribed. Thus issues should in most cases of Muscle-skeletal system, particularly back pain are treated. For the Executive Vice of the Barmer GEK, Dr. Rolf-Ulrich Schlenker, arises the question of how causes not as well in the social environment or educational problems should be looking for. Also Prof.
Dr. Gerd Glaeske of the Centre for social policy looks at the proportion of physical therapy in childhood University of Bremen as problematic. While they often are overprescribed to children, enough not often used in elderly patients in many cases. Especially in palliative medicine therapies but particularly for terminally ill patients are often very important to effectively improve their situation. More information: presse.html GELD.de GmbH Lisa Neumann
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October 11th, 2016
Whether money makes happy, often depends on the money itself is a magic word, often unconsciously, leading the people since time immemorial, happiness. Homo sapiens does not always witty things looking for the treasure. It leads one in foreign countries, others on the couch of the neighbor. The fact is only that we aspire to happiness and a life long. But what is actually lucky? “There is happiness, I’ve heard of it”. Gesualdo Bufalino wrote. But it passed to him. Quite a few believe are today reflected in these words.
To the question what is lucky, will get sure a bunch of different answers. The Israeli billionaire Jacob Burak explained in his bestselling “do chimpanzees dream of retirement” the fallacy which many succumb. It is the little things every day, making happy little pleasures: an unexpected phone call, meeting with a friend, a smile, a good deed he wants to tell us that money is not the key to happiness. Friends, family, a sunny day, children are important… Nothing new, Barbara serves its readers. It is but strange that it always those who float like Dagobert Duck in the money, explained to the guru of the banal and eliminate money for good luck.
A pity is that those who must work hard for their daily bread, evening freely have upside, to formulate their theories on the happiness. But one can assume that the less money a person has, the money not only in planning is the central but also affects the individual feels like luck. Therefore it is understandable, if in Barbara’s mind money no longer matters, has yet it more than enough. If he even would think if he would lose his money overnight? A.Frentzel
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