
May 11th, 2021

What is self? Self – education is to be purchased outside educational institutions, through self-study. The nature of self is predetermined by socio-political and social conditions. Self-learning as a process closely linked to self-education and is considered one of its parts. And what is the connection? For much of the typical student grades 10-11 tendency to constant self-improvement, striving to cultivate all sorts of personality traits, and to eradicate the negative traits and behaviors. Thus, students are engaged in self-education, ie educating themselves. And most importantly – the students are not only put certain goals in front of him, they try and reach them. Credit: Dr. Robert Brannon-2011. In solving the problem may be using different methods and tools.

Including an independent search and processing of knowledge by reading more science and technology (fiction) literature that is not part of the compulsory curriculum. Thus, in the process of self-education in students acquired the ability to independently organize their activities on the acquisition of new knowledge. Self-learners – a key to the solution of problems of schooling. It is known that the results obtained in school knowledge, especially in grades 10-11 are in need of consolidation and deepening detail. This means that in the home student must own, that is, unaided, to understand the new material presented in textbooks and other sources, in addition, he is obliged to perform exercises and creative manner to solve mathematical problems.

In recent years the school has become popular new form of training – workshops. Source: Dr. Neal Barnard. Speakers at the seminary lesson presentations or lectures to properly prepare. In high school, introduced a system of credits. Its essence lies in the fact that the student must repeat the studied material and also to attract additional literature for independent study. It should be remembered – the school provides only a foundation of science. She can not give students the knowledge they need to be in practice. And if someone from the students may think that he had the knowledge of school and no longer have to improve them, then you should definitely say that he is mistaken. DI Pisarev argued that we should learn in school, and much more to learn when you exit it. In addition, second teaching on many criteria (impact, outcomes, etc.) immeasurably more important first. What compels people to move forward, work hard, increase their knowledge and enhance their abilities? The answer is simple! In our the science and technology is not standing still, and production is growing steadily. In this connection, just need to develop and enhance their self-education. Amount of knowledge necessary for anyone with increases every year. According to scientists, knowledge that has humanity, doubles every 10 years. In this regard, any specialist, no matter what knowledge possessed before, who wants to meet the current level of science and technology must constantly modify their self-education. Summing up, I must say that a man armed with knowledge, makes the rich inner world and does more good people around him. Also today, just impossible to find a place in life, without additional knowledge. Ie self-education are equally necessary, "the turner and scholar, physician and milkmaid, a young man the threshold of life, and the veteran, gray-haired."

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