Saudosista, I?

May 11th, 2021

Saudosista, I? When finishing the college of medicine in Saint Maria, I changed pra Porto Alegre, to attend a course specialization in psychiatry for the UFRGS and to make residence in the Pinel Clinic. It was a radical change in my life. After living 22 years with my parents and brother, I came to live alone and to face an unknown situation. It thought with constancy about my city and the homesicknesses made nest in the trigger souvenirs, serving to open a trunk of varied sensations. That homesickness of the streets flooded after rains and of the trees that balanced moved for the Wind North, so characteristic. Homesickness I smell of it of rubbers, wooden pencil and tables of the college Santana, where I studied since the four years. Without speaking in the aroma of the foods that they before exhaled exactly to enter in house, done for my mother in the stove the firewood, waited that me. I remember the past because taste to remember the tranquillity that reigned in the city of the interior.

Assaults? Rare. Colleagues, friends and family, with the certainty of that they were mine. Thus also inesquecveis the strolls after the lessons, parading in the first call square, where the youngsters waited in them flirt with for it traditional. They used to advantage to look at our legs, discovered for the wind, that raised skirts. To tardinha we congregated in them in coreto of the square, where a band if showed seeming to touch alone for me. There, the tricks of hide-hide, money market and as much other infanto-youthful ones made our joy.

The television arrived well later of what in the capital. Poor times in technology and computer science, but the leisure valued in personal relations, practical of sports, and much colloquy in the familiar meeting. Here, alerted for the assault risks, having this occurrence with me in the first week of residence, leaving the clinic where it made plantes. Gradeados houses and buildings and with high walls. The locked families from fear the robberies, while in Saint Maria, the people were of opened door, seated in chairs in the sidewalk, congregating themselves the neighbors to debate points of view, and same for fofocas. I feel an emotion when writing on yesterday of a city, its places, the familiar known ones and that are not more there. I lose myself in the past, as to many I make it times in the gift. Leaving to lead me for the saudosismo, she would all change to the progress and the comfort of a capital, for the simple life of a past, nor so distant. The act to write on it means to recriar. It is a form that meeting to be in peace with what I will have for the front and what was stops backwards. Saudosismo, a permanent attitude that considers that the past best, having more sincerity between the people, greater creativity and much more security that in the gift, moved for the globalization and the cybernetics. I only moved of city. I continue the same saudosista of always. I look for to leave stops backwards what it must be left, but I lead in me, everything and all that had been with me. The awareness implies in losses and reencontros that occur as many times in our lives.



January 9th, 2013

These characteristics are presented acentuadamente, occurring a discrepancy of its behavior in relation to the individuals of the same age. For Brown (2007), it is not in such a way the difficulty in the control of the behavior that harms the TDA/H carriers, but problems in the functions central offices in the work memory. According to author, the active memory of work the information necessary to carry through current activities, and to keep information to be decoded in long stated period, recouping information stored in the memory of long stated period, necessary for immediate tasks. This process occurs slowly in carriers of TDA/H, that keep little attention and concentration in the activities, few activating the memory of work, and consequently, storage little information in the work memory, what it provokes little efficiency in the activities. I diagnosis it is carried through by neurologist, psychiatrist, psychologist through anamnese, of the examination Neurolgico Evolutivo (ENE), for scale of behavior, complementary evaluations, using the disgnostic criteria (ROTTA, 2006) presented in the picture following the SYMPTOMS DISGNOSTIC CRITERIA Carelessness * Lack of attention in the school with frequent errors In simple tasks; * Difficulty to keep the attention in works in groups; * Lack of attention to speaks direct; * Errors in following instructions; * Difficulty to finish tasks; * Easy distraction Hiperatividade * constant Movements of arms and legs; * Frequently it raises during the lesson; * To run in inadequate situations; * Difficulty in remaining seated; * Habits of speaking in excess. Impulsiveneness * Difficulty to wait its time; * Interruptions and intromissions in the other people’s colloquies. Disgnostic criteria for the symptoms of the TDA/H, based on ROTTA 2006. It is possible that a psychological upheaval is folloied by other difficulties that do not have primary relation with it, but that they can take the much more complex picture is the calls co-morbidades.



November 25th, 2012

However, they are intelligent. How much to the symptoms, the adults with TDAH are distracted, have attention difficulty, are uneasy, do not relax, seem forgotten and negligent. However, the effect are brandos in adults of what in children, what allows to conclude that, exactly that does not have cure for this difficulty of learning, the people can create strategies to minimize the consequncias of the upheaval. You mark standes out that the professors must be intent not to confuse several of these characteristics with comprometimento lack, desmotivao, indiscipline and disinterest on the part of the pupils. It guides that many behaviors can be taught to these pupils and, through ampler repertoire, its limitations can be surpassed.

In a similar way, the motivation has influence in the capacity to deal with the attention and it can increase when the pupil participates of the planning of the activities and the decisions that will be taken. The author also indicates that he must be constructed to a partnership between family and school, thus the professor shares with the parents, the characteristics, limits and necessities of the pupil. 3. Conclusion: By means of the raised quarrels previously, we can understand that to pautar itself in a work inclusive the educator must be prepared to take care of the different possibilities of characteristics presented for the pupils, amongst them the verbal and not-verbal Difficulties of Learning. It was possible to perceive the importance that the stimulatons play for the good development of educating, since that these interventions are adjusted to the period of neurological maturation of the child.

At the same time where, having in mind that the different cerebral functions ripen in varied rhythms, it is essential to offer to the diverse pupils types of stimulation at different moments of the learning. Moreover, it is important to point out that the learning difficulties can have a cause more than. In this way, the professor must have clarity that he does not need to know everything and to decide everything alone, contrarily, does not have a specialty capable to assume with exclusiveness all the necessary responsibility in the diagnosis, shelter, interventions and cares to these pupils. He competes to all the professionals of the education and the health to mobilize efforts in the identification and the adequate treatments of the diverse upheavals of learning, being prevented that the carrying children of these difficulties suffer with low auto-they esteem and failure pertaining to school. Thus, it fits to the different specialists to look orientaes, to clarify the doubts, to receive information more specific, to know experiences in colloquies with the family, the search for the success. In the reality a prescription and, although all the anxiety on the part of the professor, generated many times for the unfamiliarity on subject and the absence of a specific formation, more good does not exist way to assume an inclusive work, of arms and heart does not exist opened, with love and respect, believing the child without fear and appreciating it beyond the eventual difficulties that it can present.
