June 1st, 2024
If the body aches and the jaw is responsible of neck or back pains, the arms are numb, eyes are sensitive to light or tinnitus and dizziness more difficult everyday. Symptoms can have many causes. For the patient a run from doctor to doctor often starts in the search after the pain / the disease. Especially if the body hurts, the least suspect a disorder of the temporomandibular joint behind the symptoms. This is the CMD (temporomandibular dysfunction) often the trigger for the pain. !). Pain patients who come to us in the dental practice, have multiple visits to the general practitioner, Podiatrist or ENT specialists behind before a colleague, a dentist specializing in CMD or orthodontist is recommended by them. The Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is a dysregulation of the temporomandibular joint and / or the Masticatory muscles. What sounds like a small disturbance, may have consequences for the entire body.
A malfunction is present, you can Craniomandibular, facial or dental pain occur. But just as often it comes to pain in the neck, shoulders or back. Tinnitus and ear noise may cause the CMD. Even chronic fatigue or depressive phases are partly due to a disorder of the temporomandibular joint. The insidious in a CMD is that the symptoms as diverse become apparent on the entire body and the Kiefergenk first cause is suspected. What is the temporomandibular dysfunction? We are not born with a CMD. The jaw joint and the muscles of mastication become ill as a result of various factors, which may cause a CMD. Among other things the lack of exercise, is widely used in developed countries (such as Germany also) is one of these risk factors. Long work in sedentary activity, too little sport, to much lounging on the sofa in the long term cause the degradation of many supportive muscles and a shortening of the tendons.
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December 15th, 2021
Learning of the hypnotizing since ancient times and the application of hypnosis, self hypnosis is hypnosis and self hypnosis practice. As a trance state, hypnosis was fascinated by the people at all times. Mental and physical suffering she used as therapy still today successfully. Whether combating anxiety disorders, depression, asthma, migraine, or combating addiction – the uses of hypnosis are varied. Smoking cessation through hypnosis is just one famous example of the therapeutic application of hypnosis.
– But how does hypnosis actually work? Expiration of hypnosis there are various methods to bring about the hypnosis. One of them is the fixation method, in which the subject focuses on a body close the object, such as a pendulum. In combination with the monotonous suggestions of the hypnotist and the relaxed, warm, tranquil environment situation fatigue occur when the subjects quickly. The subject is finally only still dimly perceived. Ultimately, the trance-like state occurs rapidly.
In the State of hypnosis, it comes at the hypnotized to a refinement of the consciousness. For even more opinions, read materials from Julian Robertson. Body and mind go over into a deep state of relaxation. Familiar thought patterns and personal emotions are less complex and not more so deeply pronounced as in the waking state. At the same time, however, the level of action the hypnotized is ready to engage on the suggestion of the hypnotist. The hypnotist uses often indirect images that “undermine the logical sense of the weakened state of consciousness” at his suggestion. Sent, the subject is animated by this suggestion to certain acts or led to new thinking. However, will nobody do so deep hypnosis things, running his personality principle contrary to. The hypnosis session is finished, the State of hypnosis must be always “unpublish” or professionally finished. Self hypnosis is self hypnosis used as a relaxation method for coping with stress. It works similar to the autogenic training employees also with suggestive thoughts. Six different basic exercises and a peace formula are basis of autogenic training. The peace formula (“I am calm. Calm and relaxed.”) the practitioner is internally on the subsequent suggestion process. This is followed by heat exercise, heavy exercise, breathing, heart exercise, forehead cooling exercise and solar plexus exercise. Each of these exercises, he suggests practicing specific, predefined body sensations that he actually perceives as a result of autosuggestion finally. The self hypnosis works with the same mechanisms. The breathing exercises of autogenic training can serve as entry suggestion here, too. “My breath is deep. Deep and calm. The autosuggestion continues until the breath is actually a deep, calm and relaxed. In addition, the breath of inner images as coloured light can be visualized. The practitioner suggests itself, to breathe light and relaxing with each breath and at the same time stress and Tension to exhale. Goal of self hypnosis is the relaxation physical spiritual level. All observers and examiners impulses of the conscious level work here disturbing. The State of deep relaxation is achieved, the practitioner can begin to suggest themselves positive images. This can be, for example, the consolidation of intent on smoking cessation through hypnosis or the reduction of anxiety before a test. The self hypnosis leads regularly applied to an increasingly positive perceptions of self. As an instrument of relaxation and stress reduction, it is also a valuable way to find inner balance and mental balance. In hypnosis: not everyone is hypnotizable – but everyone can learn the mesmerizing. Books and CDs offer the first old beginners. An advanced hypnosis training is possible within the framework of courses and seminars.
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December 25th, 2020
Plasma treatment device plasma ONE is presented for the first time of the general public at the World Forum of medicine”, the MEDICA in Dusseldorf, is plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH for the first time introduce their plasma device in a press conference. The plasma is ONE first medical product with EC conformity both approved for the dental as well medical area. In a live demonstration during the press conference the plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH on the MEDICA on Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 11:00 (entrance North, room 201) the plasma treatment device plasma ONE for the first time of the general public presented. The start-up company plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH, bad EMS, has in just 3 years development time managed to provide the findings of different studies into a practical therapy device, plasma ONE,. Thus, plasma therapy is possible not only in some clinics, but comes in everyday practice. Numerous scientific publications in recent years prove that Plasmas is anti-microbial Effect, antiseptic effect and promote regeneration of tissue. This gives hope to more than 4.5 million people for years under chronic wounds leiden1 and opens up completely new possibilities of therapy with plasma.
To be able to combat the vision soon multi-resistant germs is within reach. * de / 3004.php (company region, issue 2/2010, S. 49-50) to the company: the young start-up company plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH, headquartered in bad EMS was founded on March 28, 2012. A dozen employees has adopted the technical implementation of the worldwide findings from research plasma medicine. Their first device they bring plasma ONE plasma therapy in everyday practice. Plasma ONE has its purpose in the disinfection and promote wound healing.
More devices are in development. The devices in Germany are manufactured. Established, certified, medium-sized companies for medical technology make on behalf of sub the therapy units for the plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH. The plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH is certified to: medical product Act (MPG), as amended on 19 October 2012 (Federal Law Gazette I S. 2192) EU Directive 93/42/EEC (medical device directive”, in particular annex I and V). DIN EN ISO 13485:2012 / DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 / IEC 60601_3. Mens weight training is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Edition, modified by BSI group Germany GmbH 2013-03 of exclusive distribution partner Henry is worldwide license, leading provider of products and services for dental practitioners, doctor and veterinarian. Your contact for further information: Christine Moser field HeGe Line public relations phone 02603-93128-25 contact address: plasma MEDICAL SYSTEMS GmbH Sulgenrain Ahornallee 1 56130 bad EMS/Germany phone: + 49 (0) 2603 931 280
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November 18th, 2019
Andromedical, manufacturer of the successful Andropenis penis of extender, its newest product, the Androerectest, today presented. MADRID, Spain – January 3, 2012 – Andromedical, manufacturer of the successful Andropenis penis of extender, its newest product, the Androerectest, today presented. As a world-wide exclusive manufacturer Andromedical has developed the Androerectest erectile health surveillance. It is a compact device for home use, based on the latest urological technology and improving erectile dysfunction. Since its inception in the year 2000, Andromedical often revolutionized the treatments to improve virility. The Androerectest Erektions-health monitor is just the next logical step so basically, to help improve the male urological features.
“The penis can be a health barometer. The erection hardness plays”an important role in male sexual health, said Dr. Eduardo Gomez, patients using Andromedical CEO and founder. “Our goal is that confidence and” Self-esteem of our patients as regards sexual relations to improve.” With the Androerectest, it is possible to monitor the quality of your erections, in the case of a parallel following the treatment to improve the erections with a penis pump by demonstrating a drop in hardness or improvement. About Andromedical Andromedical is dedicated to exclusively treat increasing virility products for a better sex life and more confident. Andromedical works on a global scale, and distributes its products in more than 140 countries. The high degree of specialization has allowed the company to become the market leader both in units sold and revenues. All this, thanks to its overall competitive edge, approved medical quality, which stands for efficacy and safety, in addition to the professional and personalized customer service.
-English version – Androerectest Rigidometer – prices health monitor launched MADRID, Spain – January 3rd 2012 Andromedical, the manufacturer of the most Andropenis penis extender successful, today announced a new product, the Androerectest. As a worldwide exclusive, Andromedical has created Androerectest, a compact home-use erectile health monitor, based on cutting-edge urological technology to help with erectile dysfunction. Andromedical often revolutionized the male enhancement treatment in the last eleven years since it’s founding in 2000. The Androerectest prices health monitor is in a way just the next logical step to improve male urological functions. “The penis can be the barometer of health and erection hardness is the essential marker of male sexual health”, said Dr. Eduardo Gomez, patients using Andromedical CEO and founder. “Our goal is to increase patient’s confidence and self-esteem regarding their sexual relations.” With the Androerectest it is possible to monitor the erection quality by detecting a decrease in hardness or on enhancement in the case of those following parallel treatments to improve erections or using a penis pump. About Andromedical Andromedical urological laboratory is on, dedicated exclusively to male enhancement treatments. They are providing products for a better and more confident sex life. Andromedical currently operates at a global level and sells its products in over more than 140 countries. The company has acquired a very high level of specialization, allowing it to position as one of the market leaders in units sold and rendered amount. All this is thanks to its main competitive advantage; Certified medical quality, which assures effectiveness and safety, in addition to it’s professional and personalized customer service.
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April 30th, 2014
Pharmacy from Stuttgart informs the Moor in the diabetes is the most common disease of the metabolism Western industrialized nations. The severity of the widespread disease of civilization greatly depends on how the patients eat. Pharmacy the Stuttgart Mohren explains what diabetics when their diet should be aware. Important components of healthy diet are fresh vegetables, fruit, various salads, legumes, grain and dairy products. Here, diabetics do not differ from healthy people. However you should check, especially if they are dependent on Insulinpraparate, exactly, how individual foods affect their blood sugar levels.
Many disease consequences of diabetes related, triggered, overweight with a excessive proportions of animal fats in the diet. In the interest of their health, diabetics therefore should look to avoid this type of fat. In contrast, vegetable fats unfold which unsaturated fatty acids, contain, positive impact on the health and belong therefore to the balanced diet. The metabolism of diabetic patients is sensitive on egg whites. A moderate consumption of protein-rich foods is them advisable to avoid serious kidney problems. Are the kidneys in the course of diabetes were already permanently damaged, the sick must be particularly carefully on their protein consumption. Carbohydrates have a massive influence on blood sugar levels and are thus decisive for the acute symptoms of diabetes.
Nevertheless, they are essential for a healthy diet as the most important supplier of energy of the body and should occupy the largest part. Diabetes is advised to cover their needs in carbohydrates with fiber-rich foods. They have a long-lasting effect of saturation as well as a longer-lasting, smooth effect on blood sugar levels. How quickly a food affects blood glucose levels, is from the so-called glycemic index can be read. The index value of a food is low, the better this is for diabetics who rely on a possible stable blood sugar levels. Diabetics must be careful in dealing with alcohol than healthy people, because alcohol lowers blood sugar levels. Diabetics who take Insulinpraparate, should enjoy alcohol only with foods that contain a sufficient level of carbohydrates, to counteract this effect. A well thought-out, balanced diet, to improve their health condition helps diabetics. Pharmacy questions the Stuttgart Mohren anytime more to the nutritional needs of diabetics.
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March 22nd, 2014
It is actually information from the fertility research nothing special, becoming pregnant. Except if it not then succeed, if you want it. Infertility hurts most of you know the oft-cited number, that every seventh pair in Germany is affected by this issue at some point. But why do we get their personal stories to hear no more? Diseases such as cardiovascular, diabetes, back pain, or even depression have reached a certain social acceptability to all and have their own magazines, charities or fundraising TV shows. But infertility? Despite the evidence that psychological consequences of infertility are more harmful than most other common diseases, people suffer with infertility in quietly. Most of the time don’t even know their family members by the pain that they go through. I have two explanations for this: I know the first scientific: A particular phenomenon must exist, so that one is able to describe and to see it in relations with something else.
In the event of the absence of a way to give a new life, there is nothing that you can pick up mentally, in a sense a vacuum. And an average human mind is simply not good at dealing with the absentees. Another problem is: it is practically indecent to talk about such things as infertility. In other diseases, you feel safe at the mention of heart, back, or even a person’s pancreas. And you can’t deny that depression somehow seriously sounds, or burn-out is almost a fad. How to catch on so to speak, that you can make a baby? The whole universe is on the one way or another to reproduce. How is it then that you fail constantly? I’m afraid that infertile people will – continue to suffer in silence no matter how many are affected.
Rarely anyone about his pain to talk about dares, and even then people talk only of the consequences of this Malfunction: marital problems or sexual difficulties, mental illness, pressure, fears of refusal of and financial burden. Not more. To go home. Silence. Bad sleep. Get up and move on. How often can a reasonable man use again and again on the principle of hope? Furthermore, the site is:. There you find a mixture of practical tips and simple and understandable written research reports, how women over thirty by moderate changes in their lifestyles, food and vitamins can increase their fertility. Independent and comprehensive information about the topics of egg quality, tips for pregnancy in women over 35 and increase female fertility. The texts are scientifically sound and written in a popular language.
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