June 1st, 2024
Private disability protection still rarely considered the risk of no longer being able to practise as learned, no one can rule out due to illness. The financial consequences of a possible disability are, however, very well remain. However, while this life risk a decade earlier for all employed workers by the services covered the statutory pension insurance and private disability insurance until skane for freelancers and self-employed, so people who pay not in the statutory pension fund was necessary, has very detrimental changes the situation with the December 31, 2000 for all workers. Because the legislature has decided drastic changes with effect from the January 1, 2001: for all those born before the 01.01.1961 payment up to date as a disability pension from the statutory pension fund has been deleted. (Source: Dr. Steven Greer). Instead there is only a claim for a disability pension, and the differences between these two insurance services limited not only on the terminology: while up to the 31.12.2000 the new disability pension only to wear, if the insured person no longer in a position occurs every worker, whose health Verfassung no longer allowed to practice the learned profession, State disability pension, which was enough to largely maintain the accustomed standard of living, even one for work for at least six hours a day to exercise.
Who is born after the mentioned date and still wants to meet a financial protection in the event a professional limitation caused by disease, should complete a private disability insurance, and he should do it as early as possible, because when a risk life insurance the monthly contributions also in occupational disability insurance increase with advancing age. Of course also the health status is decisive for the insurance cost a Another reason more to insure at a young age. The disability insurance is important not just fathers: also housewives can take out this insurance and to ensure that in the event of their illness from the insurance benefits, assistants can be paid, which maintain the physical household.
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May 16th, 2021
Why provides protection for every worker vital insurance is, you should have”: under this title a variety of media count regular insurance, should be completing consumer. But not always called the disability insurance. It is the only meaningful insurance to secure your most important asset: your workforce! Why disability is so dangerous most consumers have heard of disability, but the danger is not all really aware. Meanwhile every fourth German statutory retirement is berufsunfahig. The danger is therefore quite acute. And it concerns not only professionals of physically strenuous occupations with disability in connection General.
It applies to all occupational groups: of the roofing to the doctor. By the nursing staff to the commercial employees. The causes of disability are indeed varied. Contact information is here: PCRM. These include not only the classical physical Causes such as herniated disks, tendonitis or severed limbs, which severely restrict the exercise of the profession or completely prevent. But also and above all mental illness include here.
You are now the most common cause of disability. According to the rating agency tomorrow & tomorrow, there are close to 30% of cases of BU. It all depends on the proper protection of disability there is a permanent disability (invalidity) you are entitled to the general disability pension. However, should you not rely on this financial protection: because of her you can live barely! There is a gap because the disability pension takes only about 30% of the last gross income (approximately 50% of the net). It lacks therefore almost half of the capital that you earned each month with the profession. Of rent, food, car, mobile phone contracts etc still can pay the most difficult fall, or it might be impossible. Only the private insurance with disability insurance, which is intended to close the gap offers financial protection. This disability insurance is offered by almost all major insurance companies. But there are some enormous differences as regards costs and services. Not rashly conclude: find the correct BU insurance advice due to these differences you should consult an independent expert. Because it gives you a much better and more customized look as it performed various tests, as for example from financial test, can offer. Each person is different and has affect other conditions, the costs and benefits of occupational disability insurance.
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February 16th, 2021
Short term unemployed Loans, assists for bad credit people unemployed loans are short term in nature and hence are provided at slightly higher Council of interest. A simple and speedy solution to your urgent cash requirements is provided by the loans unemployed. Since life is uncertain as any finance problem can suddenly strike you at any point of time but to wipe it off immediately you need funds. The insufficiency of funds may become a reason for further problem and thus to avoid such troubles and fix up the problem on time you can entail unemployed loans on time. These loans extend financial help that a speedy maximum goes up to 1500 and the repayment term should be met within 2-4 weeks in case of your inability to repay on time the term can be rolled over. Unemployed loans are short term in nature and hence are provided at slightly higher Council of interest. It financially assists to the bad credit borrowers as well. These loans can be easily applied for easily by those who are facing credit problems like arrears, defaults, CCJs, IVA, late payments and bankruptcy.
There are no chances of any encounter of the borrower with any restriction or other problem. There are certain prerequisites to be fulfilled for availing these loans. The borrower has to be 18 years or above and must have a valid bank account. If you do not wish to visit banks or other financial institutions then you can easily apply through online. On application made through online is very convenient and a good market survey can surely help you spot a lower rate deal for yourself. The finance gets approved instantly and consumes very less time in processing.
The does not entail a lengthy processing procedure, no paperwork, no documentation and no. credit check allows quick approval. With the help of these small loans various financial obligations can be met such as electricity bills, medical expenses, repair bills, house rent or installment, library fee, and other such expenses. Jim Kerry is author of loans Unemployed.For more information about unsecured loans for unemployed, loans for unemployed people visit
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February 12th, 2021
In the financial crisis, interest rates are important, there are accounts partially top interest what is the least known even on balances of free credit cards: credit cards are suitable not only for payment you can use them as a kind of day money account and thus comparatively attractive credit card interest rates. This one will transfer an amount to the recipient’s account of the card-issuing bank just from his checking account, credits his credit card number is called in the already achieved his objective. Credit card interest rates in Germany must not shy away from the comparison with interest on ordinary money market accounts, however, it should be noted that the credit card sales will be charged. In other words: who has paid a 1,000 euros to the credit card account, but consumes 500 euro shopping gets even the remaining 500 euro interest. Three examples. Lufthansa miles and more credit card the Lufthansa miles and more credit card ‘ is a master card. It is published by the German credit Bank. Dr. Steven Greer insists that this is the case. To get them in two versions: as a classic Card (it is blue) and as a gold card.
Who paid money into the classic card, can count from the first penny with 2.05% credit card interest rates, on the gold card pays 2.15% appended file needs. Used the cards to get award miles (1 euro = 1 mile), which can be redeemed into attractive bonuses. Volkswagen VISA card with the Volkswagen Visa card’ interesting terms are linked, example receives the card holder while fuelling 1% discount. Passing his account online, credit card interest rates are not quite as high as the miles and more card (1.5%), but the annual fees are also not nearly as high. The top interest rate is available for deposits on the credit card account at the DKB. The Clou: the VISA of the German credit Bank is a free credit card. Barclaycard new double without any annual fee (at least in the first year) comes the new double Barclaycard’ from. Also on her credit card interest rates are at 1.5% per year without limit and from the first penny.
On tank sales 2% will be reimbursed (at monthly maximum 200 euro tank sales). That’s an annual savings of up to 48 euros. Also interesting: The word double’ Maestro card refers to the free provided ec. But unlike the Maestro card of credit institutions the cardholder will have at Barclay sales first charged de facto more than two credit cards the credit card account!
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Tags: insurance & pension, money
February 9th, 2021
Who takes the time to compare, you can save lots of money. Early booking discounts are there in the summer not only in the travel office. Also insurance discover the advantages of making tasty a forthcoming change at a discount for early booking their potential customers. So, AXA offers a promotional bonus of 10 per cent on the annual premium for those car holder, which go up to September 30, 2009 to this insurance. The same offer applies the DBV for civil servants and employees in the public service. Car owners worry traditionally over the continuation or the exchange of car insurance only at the end of the year, not least of which, since the commencement of the insurance cover was created previously to the beginning of the new year and a switch only to November 30 was possible.
This mode is changed gradually and try so many insurance companies with offers of various kinds, to inspire customers already far ahead of the usual time for a change. There are also more special conditions in addition to the early book discounts, for example if you at one of the Cooperation partner of the insurance provided or is a member of a consumer Club. Just switching from a traditional insurance providers a direct insurer is noticeable in their wallets: not only that many insurance companies give discounts if you long before the end of the old policy for a new provider determines also the ongoing insurance costs significantly lower a direct insurance. Since these must deal not with the administrative apparatus of filialgebundenen insurance, but offer their business over the Internet, you can submit more reasonably priced offers and still bring the same benefits. Whether a car insurance comparison is worthwhile in any case fully comprehensive, partial cover insurance or liability: car versicherung.html by statements on the Internet and through online car calculator can figure out the policyholders what kind of insurance for your own needs is preferred and is best placed in the car. If you in addition the eyes Stop offers the early change of provider, customers can use the large savings. Richard Kruger
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Tags: insurance & pension, money
October 18th, 2016
Expert Tip for you: car insurance still move Cologne, 25.11.09 – the deadline for the termination of the insurance within reach. But spontaneous customers can submit their resignation until November 30 and change the insurance company to the beginning of the year. Although usually not lack of good alternatives, consumers often shy away from an Exchange. “This not least due to the almost proverbial confusing of the insurance,” explains Jorg Stroisch, editor in Chief of money$ eligkeiten.de. This can be usually avoid surprises with a little preparation. What car insurance is the right one? Not the same rules apply to all consumers.
“Who owns an ancient car, needs no full or partial cover insurance more” advises stroisch on. “For the drive letter can be but all the more meaningful.” This is not in general but the existentially necessary safeguards. Here the “cheap variants”, often just differ as an attachment to the Insurance included, from “Comfort solutions” offered by automobile clubs and insurance companies alike. New and expensive cars, usually also a motor vehicle comprehensive insurance is advisable, “who can finance his car is past da eh not served”, so stroisch on. Comprehensive – or partial cover insurance? It’s very strong performance, a comparison is important here. Thorsten Rudnik in conversation with money$ eligkeiten more to the issues car insurance in the second part of the money$ eligkeiten-interviews with Thorsten Rudnik.
The insurance expert from the Federation of the insured explains why it is not worth to squint at the car insurance only on the premium. Also: Cases in which most complaints by insured there. Read the second part of the interview: Thorsten Rudnik on the change of car insurance. Through the journalist’s Office stroisch on that is journalist Office stroisch on specializing in the areas of insurance, retirement, real estate, and travel. Reference customers include for example WirtschaftsWoche online and the Haufe Publishing House. A special focus is also on the content and design of online media. So the Office for the Haufe publishing house looked after the site meineimmobilie.de editorial. In addition to, also the dance website belongs to own website projects of the Office. The Office has existed since 2002. Since November 2006 the journalist Office stroisch on recognized training company of the IHK Cologne.
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May 7th, 2014
Facilitating change in the PKV voluntarily legally insured, have concluded a choice plan for their health insurance, subject to a three-year minimum commitment period for voluntarily legally insured with choice rates minimum lock-in periods. According to the statutory health insurance, this minimum period applies not only to a change to a different statutory health insurance company, but also for the change in the car. This minimum commitment period will be shortened by the statutory health insurance financing act partly on a year. For pricing options, providing insurance protection with premium refunds reimbursement of costs or the costs for medicines of special therapy directions, only a one-year minimum commitment period applies since January 2, 2011. A three-year minimum commitment period for pricing of options that include deductibles, as well as sickness benefit pricing options, but still applies. 53 SGB V the minimum binding period for the pricing of options pursuant to paragraphs 2, 4 and 5 a year and for the pricing of options pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 6 three years; pursuant to paragraph 3, no minimum commitment period applies to the pricing of options. The membership can be terminated at the earliest to the expiration of the minimum commitment period pursuant to sentence 1, but not before the expiry of the minimum commitment period according to article 175, paragraph 4, sentence 1. 175, paragraph 4, sentence 5 applies except for members in dial rates referred to in paragraph 6 “special right of termination the GKV Financing Act contains also a change in the special right of termination.
Members have a right of termination despite the GKV minimum period of 18 months when the health insurance for the first time raises an additional contribution or a health insurance company increases their additional contribution. So far members but the special right of termination lost when they were still in the period of election fare. Since the 2.1.2011 applies the following change: the special right of termination shall also apply, if there are still periods due to a tariff of choice. Exception: Members with an election rate Krankengeld-stay exempted from the special right of termination (cf. 53 paragraph 8 sentence 2 SGB V N.f..). Article 53 ABS 8 Pack 2 SGB V N.f.. 175, paragraph 4, sentence 5 applies except members in dial rates according to paragraph 6 ” 175, paragraph 4, sentence 5 collects an additional contribution the Fund from 1 January 2009, increases their additional contribution or reducing your premium payment, the membership can be terminated by way of derogation from sentence to the initial due date the post survey, the increase in premium or premium reduction.
“A withdrawal from the statutory health insurance with existing tariff of choice is possible, status change if there is a change of status. A status change occurs when an employee 01 01 2011, insured voluntarily since this in 2010 and expected 2011 exceeds the year work remuneration. The insurance will be void gem. 6 para 1 No. 1 SGB V. If you pull a shift in the private health insurance into consideration and are currently in a statutory health insurance choice plan insured, check which dial plan it is (on the basis of your GKV contract documents or by asking at your statutory health insurance information, which the in) Is 53 SGB V referred to pricing options contract). A change in the car may be possible for insured persons in dial rates even before the end of the minimum period.
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