
June 1st, 2024

If the body aches and the jaw is responsible of neck or back pains, the arms are numb, eyes are sensitive to light or tinnitus and dizziness more difficult everyday. Symptoms can have many causes. For the patient a run from doctor to doctor often starts in the search after the pain / the disease. Especially if the body hurts, the least suspect a disorder of the temporomandibular joint behind the symptoms. This is the CMD (temporomandibular dysfunction) often the trigger for the pain. !). Pain patients who come to us in the dental practice, have multiple visits to the general practitioner, Podiatrist or ENT specialists behind before a colleague, a dentist specializing in CMD or orthodontist is recommended by them. The Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) is a dysregulation of the temporomandibular joint and / or the Masticatory muscles. What sounds like a small disturbance, may have consequences for the entire body.

A malfunction is present, you can Craniomandibular, facial or dental pain occur. But just as often it comes to pain in the neck, shoulders or back. Tinnitus and ear noise may cause the CMD. Even chronic fatigue or depressive phases are partly due to a disorder of the temporomandibular joint. The insidious in a CMD is that the symptoms as diverse become apparent on the entire body and the Kiefergenk first cause is suspected. What is the temporomandibular dysfunction? We are not born with a CMD. The jaw joint and the muscles of mastication become ill as a result of various factors, which may cause a CMD. Among other things the lack of exercise, is widely used in developed countries (such as Germany also) is one of these risk factors. Long work in sedentary activity, too little sport, to much lounging on the sofa in the long term cause the degradation of many supportive muscles and a shortening of the tendons.

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What You Need To Know When Choosing An Orthopedic Mattress ?

December 31st, 2021

When choosing an orthopedic mattress is necessary to understand what functions should perform a mattress, what are the types of mattress and fillers, some rigidity to choose a mattress. Basic functions of the mat two: Support the body – is ability to withstand the weight of the mattress body and keep your back straight while you sleep, relieving you of back pain. Support function in the mattress carries a mattress foundation that is spring or latex block. Comfort – it’s the ability of the mattress to match shapes the body and reduce the burden on ordinary pressure points to less than toss and turn in their sleep. Comfort layers provide fillings and quilted plane. Spring and springless Example mattress spring unit without – a candy bar made of artificial or natural latex, rolled up and placed in a vacuum.

As an ingredient used coir sheets – coir. In addition, This category includes mattresses, filled with liquid and air. Spring unit may consist of a dependent, ie, in some way intertwined springs (‘Bonnel’). Mattresses with a block of independent springs, each of which placed in a separate cloth ‘cup’, and operates independently of the ‘neighbors’, are more expensive. Unconnected springs provide a ‘personal approach’ to different parts of the human body.

This mattress allows you to spine to remain in a natural position. All spring mattresses are equipped with spacers, which are responsible for properties such products as softness, stiffness, elasticity, etc. 256 springs per square meter – the standard for majority of independent blocks. The most expensive models have several zones of elasticity and extremely comfortable to use. Technologies allow nasa to create a coating Tempur – viscoelastic material, a storage body contours. Modern spring mattress – a high-tech specialized unit to sleep. Assembly and adjustment of high-quality mattress requires careful manual work, so its price can not exceed 00. Fillers are widely used as traditional fillings – felt, polyurethane foam (foam rubber), padding polyester, wool, and modern – coconut coir, latex artificial and natural, less horsehair. Hygiene and environmental fillers supported by certificates. Many of the mattresses of medium and higher price levels are provided with aerators that is vented to promote air circulation inside the structure. Hard or soft: how to choose? Soft Soft mattresses, orthopedic mattresses – mattresses are those that use elastic fillers. For example, medical foam, natural or artificial latex.

Mattresses this group for people who used to sleep on her side. Soft orthopedic mattresses may also be recommended for people with problems of the lumbar spine. It must be noted that at relatively high elasticity of these mattresses provide adequate support and have high orthopedic properties. Mattresses of medium hardness in orthopedic mattresses of medium hardness, elastic and rigid fillers combined. As an example, a mattress, where the latex is complemented by a thin layer of coconut coir. This gives the mattress extra firmness. Fans of sleep on your back will appreciate this model: when good elasticity of the surface of the mattress has a great supporting properties. If there are problems of the thoracic spine, this property is a must. Hard mattresses are hard mattresses – mattresses, where rigid fillers or dominated by, or used without combination with other materials. Example – Coir, without any additions. People accustomed to sleep on my stomach, prefer it to this group mattresses. Hard mattresses provide good support in the pelvic and cervical spine. This mattress can be recommended to those who have problems with the thoracic spine, as well as adolescents and children.


How Does Hypnosis Work?

December 15th, 2021

Learning of the hypnotizing since ancient times and the application of hypnosis, self hypnosis is hypnosis and self hypnosis practice. As a trance state, hypnosis was fascinated by the people at all times. Mental and physical suffering she used as therapy still today successfully. Whether combating anxiety disorders, depression, asthma, migraine, or combating addiction – the uses of hypnosis are varied. Smoking cessation through hypnosis is just one famous example of the therapeutic application of hypnosis.

– But how does hypnosis actually work? Expiration of hypnosis there are various methods to bring about the hypnosis. One of them is the fixation method, in which the subject focuses on a body close the object, such as a pendulum. In combination with the monotonous suggestions of the hypnotist and the relaxed, warm, tranquil environment situation fatigue occur when the subjects quickly. The subject is finally only still dimly perceived. Ultimately, the trance-like state occurs rapidly.

In the State of hypnosis, it comes at the hypnotized to a refinement of the consciousness. For even more opinions, read materials from Julian Robertson. Body and mind go over into a deep state of relaxation. Familiar thought patterns and personal emotions are less complex and not more so deeply pronounced as in the waking state. At the same time, however, the level of action the hypnotized is ready to engage on the suggestion of the hypnotist. The hypnotist uses often indirect images that “undermine the logical sense of the weakened state of consciousness” at his suggestion. Sent, the subject is animated by this suggestion to certain acts or led to new thinking. However, will nobody do so deep hypnosis things, running his personality principle contrary to. The hypnosis session is finished, the State of hypnosis must be always “unpublish” or professionally finished. Self hypnosis is self hypnosis used as a relaxation method for coping with stress. It works similar to the autogenic training employees also with suggestive thoughts. Six different basic exercises and a peace formula are basis of autogenic training. The peace formula (“I am calm. Calm and relaxed.”) the practitioner is internally on the subsequent suggestion process. This is followed by heat exercise, heavy exercise, breathing, heart exercise, forehead cooling exercise and solar plexus exercise. Each of these exercises, he suggests practicing specific, predefined body sensations that he actually perceives as a result of autosuggestion finally. The self hypnosis works with the same mechanisms. The breathing exercises of autogenic training can serve as entry suggestion here, too. “My breath is deep. Deep and calm. The autosuggestion continues until the breath is actually a deep, calm and relaxed. In addition, the breath of inner images as coloured light can be visualized. The practitioner suggests itself, to breathe light and relaxing with each breath and at the same time stress and Tension to exhale. Goal of self hypnosis is the relaxation physical spiritual level. All observers and examiners impulses of the conscious level work here disturbing. The State of deep relaxation is achieved, the practitioner can begin to suggest themselves positive images. This can be, for example, the consolidation of intent on smoking cessation through hypnosis or the reduction of anxiety before a test. The self hypnosis leads regularly applied to an increasingly positive perceptions of self. As an instrument of relaxation and stress reduction, it is also a valuable way to find inner balance and mental balance. In hypnosis: not everyone is hypnotizable – but everyone can learn the mesmerizing. Books and CDs offer the first old beginners. An advanced hypnosis training is possible within the framework of courses and seminars.

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Health Organization

February 12th, 2021

On what basis can be suspected of infertility in men or women? If in a regular sexual life without contraception for a year is not pregnancy occurs, you should start a survey of the couple at the gynecologist and andrologist (urologist), to check on the male and female infertility. This approach allows an overall plan for assessment and treatment of infertility. What are the most common causes of infertility? who classification (World Health Organization) distinguish 16 causes of male infertility and 22 causes of female infertility. The most frequent cause of male infertility and female infertility are inflammatory diseases, caused by infectious agents (Chlamydia, gonococci, ureaplasmas, etc.) Therefore, screening for igo (urogenital infections) showed that all patients with infertility. This cause 40-50%.

In 30% cases of endocrine pathology and obstruction of the fallopian tubes in women. If you want to hormonal regulation of ovarian function after the study the hormonal system of women in the first case study of tubal patency in the second case. The share of male infertility falls about 30% of infertile marriages (violation of the fertilizing ability of sperm, sexual pathology, or functions). About 3% of couples suffer from immunological incompatibility, ie, in women develop antibodies that inactivate sperm partner. Often, one of the couple revealed several of the above causes of infertility. What is the difference I of female infertility female infertility ii? Many regard these figures as the first and second degree. This is a misconception: female infertility I – is the primary female infertility, ie, a woman has never in history was not pregnancy, female infertility ii – a secondary female infertility, when a woman before pregnancy, regardless of what it ended (childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, tubal pregnancy). What a survey on female and male infertility can be done in our medical center? Full survey for urogenital infections, hormonal system, ultrasonic monitoring, monitoring of changes occurring in the uterus and ovaries during the menstrual cycle, semen analysis; immunological compatibility of the couple, the Fallopian tubes. Of course, for each pair of individual approach in diagnosis and treatment of infertility.


World Organization Health

February 12th, 2021

Polled 1000 residents of the largest cities in the country, the researchers came to a disappointing conclusion – the prevalence of impotence among men ahead of diseases such as coronary heart disease and pneumonia. At the same time Most patients do not even think about what it makes sense to see a doctor – in Beijing, people turn to a specialist at a mean of 34.3 months after the onset of the disease, and in Shanghai – by 30.4 months. By this time the disease time to reach a stage where the doctors can not practically do anything. According to Research at one in five Americans suffer from disorders of sexual function. World Organization Health care, noting a similar pattern in most civilized countries, said that in 65% of cases, the cause of this phenomenon – chronic prostatitis. This disease has become increasingly common, and besides all the "younger".

Independently prostatitis can not be cured, you must consult a doctor. Impotence does not sexually active Chinese. After 40 years, every second man in China is suffering from impotence in 90% of cases. That was the conclusion scientists from the Centre for Reproductive Medicine at the Beijing People's Hospital.



February 12th, 2021

Ukraine is among those countries where surrogacy, including commercial, enshrined in law (as in Russia, Georgia, , South Africa, most U.S. states). Legal aspects of surrogate motherhood in this country are governed by pp.2 st.123 Family Code of Ukraine (on determining the origin of the child from the mother and father by artificial insemination and embryo implantation). But our luck childless couples are not the only reason – only in Ukraine reproductive clinics offer expectant parents the full range of services related to the procedure of surrogate motherhood: from choosing candidates "surrogate mother" and the implementation directly to the program art to the legal and psychological support of all stakeholders throughout the pregnancy – until the client receives the child's birth certificate. For comparison – in neighboring Russia, the selection candidates for surrogate motherhood program entirely is the responsibility of the genetic parents, which involve numerous risks (there are many fraud schemes related to this phenomenon), and in the appropriate level of physical and mental health of the candidates too often to doubt it. A child's "customers" can be obtained only after writing a "surrogate mother" officially certified "Refusal letter" (the cases of women through the court seeking the return of the child, in practice, the Russian quite common).

We do this a lot safer – solution to all legal issues assumes clinic offering services of surrogate motherhood. Therefore, the "fertile tourists (foreigners who wish to have a baby on the program ART), we are not uncommon. "Surrogate mother" – not an incubator! The main link in surrogacy program is certainly a mother "to order".


Do Not Get Caught By The Pseudo Diets

February 12th, 2021

Tips to recognize weight loss plans which must flee. Swarmed by offers, Dr. Stuart M. McGill is currently assessing future choices. We are continuously bombarded by a host of proposals to lose weight quickly and effortlessly. Most suggestive of all is precisely the ease and speed with which we ensure that you will lose those five, ten or twenty kilos. These practices, far from being reliable, they are dangerous methods that will make you lose a lot of money and a few kilos. That is why we have called seudodietas ie fake slimming treatments able to reduce their self-esteem and increase their frustration. Today we intend to analyze some of the things to take into account when choosing a weight control program for not becoming a victim of the seudodietas.

Some of the warning signs that tell you that you are facing this threat are: – Soon, many kilos. The seudodietas promise great weight loss in a short time: 5 kilos in a week, 10 kilos in a month. These changes are mainly due to exaggerated loss water and muscle mass, not fat reduction. – Goals unattainable. Generally the success of these treatments is defined in terms of a single goal: to lose weight … and resort to any strategy to achieve it. In the real diets should be realistic goals and short-term, focusing on those lifestyle changes that will enable sustained weight loss. – Diets in series.

Your eating plan should be like some invitations, personal and not transferable, and which is designed according to your own habits and needs. Do not accept a standardized menu of 1500 or 1200 calories. A real plan involves interviews, analysis, observation and periodic revisions. – Very low calorie. If achieving your goal you should eat two yogurts and a salad a day, certainly is not meeting their nutrient requirements. In addition it will be impossible to follow this regime more than a couple of weeks and not to recover the lost kilos (and some more) then quit. – Food prohibited. These pseudodietas tend to prohibit certain foods or entire groups of them (cereals, meat, fruits) without any foundation. A proper diet should be balanced and allow you to enjoy a wide variety of foods in certain proportion and frequency. Consider these warnings the next time you decide to start a new treatment for weight loss. Remember that an effective diet plan should be designed by a nutrition professional and helpful, not only lose weight but also to maintain a healthy weight forever.



January 26th, 2021

What if you or your family have lost teeth due to trauma, because of age, suffer from abnormal abrasion or simply ignored the campaigns to the dentist and have started the situation? Prosthesis carried out when all other means to find a Hollywood smile is no longer used. But if before the installation of prostheses has been a long, laborious and painful, but wearing them – uncomfortable, then the modern technology have greatly improve the situation. Now with the help of computer modeling and new materials can quickly pick up dentures, who will sit as if it were your own teeth. Dental prostheses are divided into removable and fixed. Fully removable dentures are placed in the utter absence of teeth one or two jaws. Partially removable dentures are called, attached in the mouth by hook or attachments (special locks). Dr. Stuart M. McGill shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

For non-removable as are a variety of crowns, bridges, and mikroprotezy, such as veneers. Perhaps the main difference from the non-removable dentures in the home – convenience. About individual fixed prosthesis is easy to forget soon after the installation: they do not impose restrictions on food intake and mode. Dentures need to periodically remove them and conduct a "spring cleaning" because they create a Oral risky contaminated sites. For this type of prosthesis needed some time to get used to eating only soft food. Many people can not sleep with "false teeth" and are forced to take out for a night.

Another section dentistry, which relates to prosthetics – to set the implant (or implant, there are various spellings). Implantation affect the jaw bone: it is mounted titanium rod to which the top crown. This can be called a hybrid prosthesis, because of the possibility of termination of service to replace the crown only her, not touching the base implant. What type of prosthesis fit you personally can solved only by a doctor. Selecting the type of implant depends on many factors: the degree of tooth decay, the patient's age, his financial capacity, etc.


Stress – A Waste Of Energy

January 25th, 2021

Let’s get together – you and me – spend a little experiment. According to the results you can immediately determine whether to you what I’m talking about relaxation or not. I’m not going to dictate to you what – the dogma: all that I suggest and tell, you can check for yourself on their personal experiences. So, lay on the floor mat and lie on your back. You can do the exercises while lying on the bed, but preferably all on the floor, because your problem – demonstrate compliance itself, rather than test compliance of the bed. Ask anyone – some of his friends to help you conduct this experiment. Then you can and even should get him to swap roles, all of which take a lot of pleasure you both. First, you are a client, and he a psychologist, and then – on the contrary. Lie down quietly for a few seconds with my eyes closed, trying to maximally relax your body. Then the “psychologist” standing on your right, you should take a right leg just below the ankle. Ask him to lift his leg on 15 – 20 inches from the floor (at an angle of 45 degrees), and then release. Repeat this movement several times.

Then let the “psychology” again raise your leg over the ankle but before I let her pick up the other arm under the knee. If he keeps you in the ankle with his right hand, then his left hand should be placed in the popliteal cavity. After which the right hand should be removed immediately. There is a possibility that your leg and will remain extended in the air. PCRM understands that this is vital information. It may take a few seconds before you figure out what it yourself hold. After all, your leg is now nothing holding in the up state: ‘psychologist’ took his hand away from the ankle and supports only the hip. The only conclusion that this can be done – the muscles of your legs tensed involuntarily. You are now clearly seen that muscle tension requires energy. If your muscles reduced, that is strained, without your knowledge or intentions, just imagine what a lot of energy you’re wasting, it is in vain! Of course, if you’re one lucky man, who by the nature of his inexhaustible fullness vitality, for you it is not so important. But such people – a rarity. Most of us live bustle of modern life, so you must save its internal energy. We must cherish every drop of energy: the only way we can live a normal life, work and enjoy all the wonderful opportunities that are generously offering us life.


Academician Pavlov

January 22nd, 2021

After all, if a child needs to be as much calcium and how much calf, then nature has provided to him in human milk. And if Academician Pavlov said that the milk – it's amazing food cooked by nature, it is obvious that under this amazing food, he understands the most balanced diet. And we're trying to eat one! (Human milk) is replaced by an entirely different (cow's milk), which! not intended for children, and therefore its composition is not balanced for a child or as calcium, nor by a squirrel. But if composition of cow's milk protein is not so much! may affect the health of the child, the higher content! calcium in it will make the child vulnerable to all diseases. In general, in his speech, Professor Walter White did not is how many prejudiced may seem crazy gag, but relies on the opinion of recognized scientists, published earlier, and publishing to date articles on hazards of milk in human nutrition at the leading medical journals. Next, Dr. Walter White leads a series of quotations from these journals, where leading scientists in the field of medical research have expressed radical conclusions about hazards of cow's milk and dairy and a shocking result, traditional views information. For example, an American physician, Herbert Shelton in his book adheres very different views on all dairy products. He wrote that the majority of statements about the healing properties of milk diet are false, because the milk does not contain an excess of vitamins or materials that would compensate for the harm from dairy foods.


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