May 12th, 2021
Perhaps the OCCUPATION OF the COMPLEX OF the GERMAN the majority of the inhabitants of the city of Rio De Janeiro does not have the accurate notion of what it represents the occupation of the Complex of the German and the Village Cruise for the Armed Forces and the Policies Civil and Military. Who lives, lived or only was created in that region can evaluate what it was, what started to be and what will be able to again come to be these areas. I that I was born and I was created in the Kosmos Village, that played in the streets until high hours of puncture flag, demijohn, golzinho small bare in the esquinas of the streets Rosemary with Jaborandi, that caught fish under the railway line River Douro, frequented the parties juninas of the Bauch & Lomb, good below of the mount of the oath, participated of the war of mamonas in ' ' morrinho' ' , it danced in the domingueiras of the Florena, the Kosmos, frequented the Mello Tennis Club, Social the Branches Club, the Athletical Association Vicente de Carvalho, the Club of the Demillus and of the Standard Electric, the Viosa, did not lose a film of faroeste in the Carmoli, the Melo, in Is Peter in poeirinha of the Kosmos Village of which I do not remember the name, but it was in the street Itacambira, it namorava until dawn in the quarter of the Equitable one, there to the side of ' ' Santinha' ' (and it was not sin) I can evaluate. Those that I eat had only studied in the Meira College Rasp, or those that were of Ours Lady of Brazil, Ours Mrs. of Ftima and other next ones, that after the lessons and same during, in the call ' ' to beat gazeta' ' , they namoravam in the Park Ari Barroso, or they frequented only it to play ball or to give a stroll they know how much that space until then dominated by outlaws was for we important. . Mens weight training will not settle for partial explanations.
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August 9th, 2012
Jose Silveira de Oliveira – Theological/Philosopher was attending the periodical in the TV and heard the news that I was worried. The hospital of the Fundo cancelled 130 operations more than, due to have been interdicted due to maintenance in the building; this falling and has abandoned part, is sad but lamentably it is truth, this hospital already was model in attendance I publish to it, had a good emergency, many doctors ambulatorial with daily attendance, where the runners circulated thousand of people with fiche in the hands searching its room for attendance. It had resident doctor, course of advanced medicine, with room of surgery trainees to practise, was model, to all the young doctors the Brazil level, the majority came to perfect itself in this hospital of the fundo. Today with this news of cancellation it was that I gave account of the gravity of the fact, therefore step daily in front of this hospital and I see far of its destroyed architecture and abandoning, and remember the past not very distant approximately 10 years the movement of cars in the door of the hospital, people of all Rio De Janeiro came to consult themselves. I started to remember the politicians who had commanded the State in this Governing period Garotinho, was two years later it left to candidatar the president of the republic and was in its place the vice Benedita Da Silva, coitada very limited, did not make nothing for the health, if my memory serves me right the president was Fernando Enrique Cardoso, Later entered Squid as president, broken PT, and Rosinha Garotinho as governor of the River, nothing made, was part of the PMDB. Coalition different and with this, the federal government did not give support, and Rio De Janeiro was abandoned in the area of the health until arriving the point that arrived the hospital of the fundo, meanwhile the Petrobra’s that is in the same quarter fundo, if expanded, Prospered had more investment and created other units, has interest there, thing of politician, that I do not understand, for them everything and the people nothing.
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