Independent Brazil

June 6th, 2024

Independent Brazil! We obtain our independence of Portugal, however we are submissos the sets of ten of countries that explore our wealth, our nature and what we have of more precious; our people. Independent Brazil without poverty, misery, hunger, corruption, drugs. This is not independence that we searched and nor the one that we deserve, more is what we obtain. Independent Brazil! We are so independent that we did not know to sing the proper National Hymn. It will be that still we remember who we choose stops representing in them in the most diverse spheres of the power of this so democratic and Independent Brazil? He was an independent Brazilian who invented the airplane, airplane this used by the independent nations to take provisions the peoples refugee, hungry, submissos and excluded by the wars, dislocated for the bombs that the same airplanes had played. Airplanes of an independent nation that spills agrotxicos on our ground, our rivers.

Our governments and governing ‘ ‘ independentes’ ‘ , of sociologists doctors the laboring illiterates. Brazil of the soccer, the carnival, the folia. Brazilians who dress the shirt green and turn yellow, our symbol of independence ‘ ‘ in the pantry of mundo’ ‘ that penalty. That penalty that doutrinam in them to be patriotic some dates only. We remember our independence only in the 07 of September is not enough. – we go to remember that we are well more than an independent country, in the school, in the streets, respecting, living, loving.
