Running Over

January 31st, 2021

Often I get a letter in which I asked: "Why is it so hard to see out of his problem?". And really, is it possible to be able to look at your life from, and see the turning point when I started to occur challenge and to alter their actions, while changing life circumstances. In practice, it is very difficult to do. Anthony Corolla understood the implications. Man falls into this "hung" state in the following cases: He "Blind kitten," moving through life without a certain direction; He "marks" on someone else's place; It is under someone – then the influence; He does not live their lives; He "hangs" at the point of choice. The first case manifestation of the "problem state" is more peculiar to adolescents. Because it is typical for this age group have yet to find their way and place in life.

Although, unfortunately, and adults can get in that position. In such a condition is present inner feeling, "I'm confused," "something you want to change – I do not know what ..?," all the time doing something, but why ..?. In this case, helping friends, time to ask the right questions, even better, if there is a competent psychologist. The person in this situation needs to be thinking about future goals of promotion, awareness of their own life direction, determination of the parameters, "which for me is really important and what is not very. " The second case can be described in one word – jealousy.

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