Free Liquidity Check
October 31st, 2020Online questionnaire helps companies developing so far unused funding Munich, Muller Wohlfahrt in Munich for medium-sized companies, the Munchner Vantargis AG on the portal offers a liquidity check online perspective mid-market ‘ on. Many business leaders don’t know for sure, whether your company is adequate capital for investment and growth of available”, says Claus Durr, CEO of Vantargis AG. Within three days the participants in this online-check free an initial analysis to the Status quo, including ways in which you can generate additional liquidity for your company. This gives security and opens up new options for the entrepreneurs.” The online collected figures on the company, investments, accounts, and customers are evaluated individually after sending by employees of Vantargis AG. Then is the Mittelstandsfinanzierer email free tips to optimise the financial structure and solutions on, as growth and investment from previously unused resources can be financed. In the first days after release of a slew of companies have already check their liquidity. The response was”positive, Durr said. In many cases we could solve already existing problems of financing.” Interested parties will find the liquidity check on the Internet at fitness check liquidity / profile Vantargis AG Vantargis AG is the independent German less for the upper middle class. Vantargis helps its customers directly as capitalists rather than as broker. In case of need, Vantargis arranged additional sources of funding within the framework of an overall financing plan in addition to its own liquidity for its customers, for example, with active guidance to public funding and grants. Questions and additional information: Vantargis AG Widenmayerstr 28 80538 Munich Ilka Stiegler head corporate communications phone: 089 2429373-25 email: portal around the issue of funding:
Tags: business & economy, trade