Diseases and Strokes

April 30th, 2018

The problems are millions of people annually die prematurely from diseases and strokes that reduce their life expectancy. a Based on the Bible, the most wonderful book of all time, let me share with you some principles that will allow you to order in his inner world and find true peace, one that badly needs to successfully confront the challenges facing each day. a 1 .- A good relationship with God to the spiritual balance is essential to advance the process of securing a rearrangement of the inner world. In this vein an essential step that should give anyone is to have a good relationship with God.

one of the patriarchs of old put it in simple terms that have deep meaning: a now back in friendship with him, and be at peace, and therefore will do you good. a (Job 22:21) a Even though repented of his years of evil, Juvencio Mosquera lived for years hidden in a remote village in Bolivia after a life of wickedness in the families left orphaned and impregnated traces of sadness and pain. a only came to have peace, the day he acknowledged that this eager search of refuge, which was not quiet because even in the most remote place that someone or something was chasing him, the day I asked God for forgiveness. a Then quiet your conscience, came a second step that allowed him to secure the peace of mind: through a friend of their country of origin, took on the task of getting the addresses of the families that had grown so much anguish crime and theft..


Italian Restaurant

April 22nd, 2018

Today we want to present a choice of Italian restaurant madrid, a possibility that you will find with the typical taste of the Italian boot: we refer to Ristorante Via Appia. This is one of the premises of italic dishes in Madrid’s most interesting and traditional in the Spanish capital. It truly is a cozy place, well managed, well located, very nice. If you think of Italy as a land where the beauty, elegance, good taste, raw materials certainly all this is within this gastronomic restaurant. It is an important manifestation of culinary and demonstrative admiration indeed. One of the premises to be aware about this Italian restaurant in Madrid is that you have the basics of this gastronomic modality. Here nothing from what you know how traditional lack Italian kitchen because everything is implicit and developed.

This part is very important for you to know it. Because there are restaurants that are offered as Italians but are not really Italian, they don’t have that essence of the peninsula so that you attract as it should be. Then, the result is that you can dissatisfy much, certainly. But that happens here, you know? Here in truth the palate of Italy lives and enjoys a wonderful, good, way that invites you as diners us demos a hand in that capacity of attention to the customer that we always hope to find a business. Man; one is can get to this place so much, certainly, that it can become one of our favorites without any problem.

That’s what you want to certify, of course, this business is consolidating increasingly more on account of everything you can offer without punches. Do not how to reference this place of meals if you have the most interesting in terms of variety of pizzas and pasta traditional Italian. You can find all sorts of combinations in ravioli, Spaghetti Bolognese with tofo type of combination of meats, salads and sauces. It is a delight. On the other hand, the pizza can go in different presentations so you can truly enjoy a culinary catalog first-order regarding this so famous food option. You can for example ask Neapolitan pizza, cheese pizza, pizza with mushrooms, pizza with anchovies, among other good alternatives. Clear; the wide assortment of Italian meats cannot be side. These are an important part of the gastronomic conception of Italian restaurant of this kind offered in Madrid. Everything is by keep tasty and interested customers. This is said in a very special way.

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Ivannikov SV Fracture

April 21st, 2018

the most severe damage to the ankle and up 7% of all skeletal injuries 4. Results: Ankle previously regarded as a cylindrical helical hinge. Bending foot, as it were come unscrewed from the plug with simultaneous ankle supination her, and bringing a small rotation inside. When straightening foot, on the contrary, as if the plug is screwed into the joint, at the same time it is pronation, abduction and slight external rotation. It is known that the ankle is shaped like a truncated cone with the base directed toward the fibula. The imaginary axis of the cone is rotated by about 10 degrees relative to the proximal articular surface of the talus, and 25 degrees relative to the frontal plane. For practice, it is important that the imaginary axis of the ankle goes from the lower edge of the inner ankle to the lower edge of the outer ankle 1. Pylons fractures called fractures of the distal tibia metaepiphysis arising from the effects of axial forces of high-energy, which leads to position of the foot during the injury, the direction and magnitude of traumatic force.

Also, damage to the ankle depends on the direction of traumatic force which may be of 3 types: adduction, abduction, rotation. During supination external Ligamental structures are strained. With a gap of enhanced external adduction ligament tear or fracture podsindesmozny outer ankle, and the talus clicks the inner ankle, resulting in a fracture occurs and the vertical plane. If supinate stop the load is rotated outward, in addition to the external voltage lateral ligaments stretched anterior ligament syndesmosis. If the force continues its impact, then there is an oblique or spiral fracture nadsindesmozny chrezsindesmozny or outer ankle. Rotating astragalus may pull back a bunch of syndesmosis, breaking it, or removing a bone fragment posterior margin of the tibia.

Its destructive effect of the rotating talus fracture completes the inner ankle or torn deltoid ligament. When pronatsionnom position of the foot stretched internal structures. If there is a rigid abduction, can be torn deltoid ligament tear or inner ankle (with the horizontal fracture). Then continuing Violence breaks both syndesmosis ligament tears or bone fragments in them. Then the autopsy results in a fracture of the fibula at or above the syndesmosis. If at the initial position of the foot she pronatsionnom rotated laterally, there is a gap deltoid ligament or transverse fracture of the inner ankle. With the continuing rotation of the outer talus anterior ligament rupture occurs tibiofibular syndesmosis or separation of the bone attachment 2, 3. Conclusions: The mechanism of the pylon fractures depends on the direction of the damaging efforts and position of the foot at the time of injury. References 1. Oganesyan OV, Ivannikov SV, Korshunov AV Recovery form and function of the ankle joint hinge-distraction apparatus. – Moscow: BINOM. Laboratory knowledge. – Medicine. – 2003. – S. 12-13 2. Shabanov AN, Kay I., Sartan VA Atlas fractures ankle and their treatment. – M.: Medicine. – 1972. – S. 44-67. 3. Kao KF, Huang PJ, Chen YC, et al. Postero-medial-anterior approach of the ankle for the pilon fracture / / Injury. – 2000. – Vol. 31. – P. 71-74. 4. Topliss CJ, Jackson M., Atkins RM: Anatomy of pilon fractures of the distal tibia / / JBJS. – 2005. – Vol. 87 – P.692-697. Tekt article is copyrighted

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Over EUR More

April 21st, 2018

A beautiful body win sports nutrition, abdominal machine, eBooks, sportswear, DVD courses and guides a lot is not innate, but requires more investment by its owner. Click Dr. Neal Barnard for additional related pages. Support on the way to the perfect body is muscle-Guide.de. Sports nutrition and training plans help to do something for health and more assertive one. Now, there is an exceptionally large raffle with attractive prices you constructively help the projects to become healthy and fit at muscle-Guide.de! Muscle-Guide.de has get a partner, called MySportnahrung.de. The fitness shop for sports nutrition! The operators have come to the introduction of the new Internet shop a particularly large fitness competition. The special thing about it is not the level of prices of 2926,05 euros but that it can maximize its chances of winning and so, if you’re lucky, for his health his own can call several prizes.

As prices there are dietary supplements, supplements, sports nutrition, attractive memberships, valuable gift vouchers, interesting DVD BBs and books, as well as downloads, eBooks, and Advisor. Acceptance to the lottery is the 9.11.11! 120 lucky at least can call their own, approximately 16 different prices and enjoy for your health and your well-being. During the competition, still sponsors add can come across and give their own prices to so that it is possible to achieve an even higher winnings than currently known, and to make more customers happy. Several fitness and nutrition experts work together and these are the prices which win are: 10 x Sixpack success Komplettpacket in the value: 370,00,-EUR. It includes an extensive knowledge with all important tips to the reach of the dream body. Tips to effective abdominal muscle training and the burning of fat in a detailed statement. Less fat and more abdominal muscles of which many dream, very few achieve the goal.

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On Psychiatric Care

April 20th, 2018

K. Novoselov, vs Chegaev, vn Poryvaev. ttb later led an experienced physician-toxicologist, eg Patrushev. There was a period (1979-81). When the terminally-toxicological teams divided into 2 Profile: toxicology (headed by sv Semenov) and resuscitation, trauma (protivoshokovym) (senior doctor ad Narovsky).

Since 1979, in addition to transportation, medical teams are formed, combined in a psychiatric ward. With the passage of time changed the problem and volume of mental health services – required not only patients, but diagnosis and, where necessary, emergency psychiatric care (in accordance with Article 29 of the rf Law "On Psychiatric Care and guarantees citizens in its provision of 02.06.1992 N 3185-1 was). Already in the first decade of spetsbrigad through fruitful cooperation of practitioners of SMEs and researchers clinics have been studied and solved (or in subsequent years continued to be studied) the important issue of emergency care to patients and victims in prehospital phase. These include: the formulation of the concept of 'preinfarction state' and the development of criteria for its diagnosis (the first time in country), the prevention of myocardial infarction, rapid diagnosis of im (On the basis of urgent laboratory diagnosis SSMP); issues of early hospitalization of these patients, the scheme of complex treatment of acute pulmonary edema, a technique heparin and thrombolytic therapy on. myocardial infarction and thrombosis of other sites (for the first time in the country), issues of differential diagnosis and transport, methods of lumbar puncture in the adcc (First in the country), cardioversion defibrillator (including in-death, ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia); intratracheal administration of alcohol in the pulmonary edema (the first in the country) to identify and study little or unknown to the early signs of myocardial damage on the ecg in case of poisoning with cauterizing agents and unstable angina (obliquely upward st segment without bias point j – (first in the country), mastered and first applied in the ambulance center electroanalgesia, ballistocardiography, kinetocardiography, .



April 19th, 2018

An experienced manager knows that the computer park – the platform on which rests the work of the entire office or company. Sysadmin same – Atlanta, holding the platform and all that therein is, at its mighty shoulders. Program for system administrators to help them navigate the maze of computers, printers, servers and other network equipment, as if the system administrator tolerate even the slightest mistake, do not respond time to network problems – and the whole system collapses. Due to the rapid growth of technology, as well as an inexhaustible imagination of hackers invent every day, new viruses and how attacks on the local network of businesses and organizations system administrator has become increasingly difficult to resist all the arising problems on their own. This is especially true of corporate networks with an extensive infrastructure and a large number of users. Fortunately, the same growth technology works on the arm administrator.

Both foreign and domestic IT market today can offer many solutions to most problems faced by the system administrator daily. I'm talking about special programs for administrators. Here, just want to say that the programs for system administrators is not a luxury. Time stands still, and almost every day there are more and more money automation designed to improve our work in various fields and increase its efficiency. Today, you will not find any accountant who was a quarterly report on the calculator, or a quantity surveyor, drawing a plan by hand. So why is the system administrator in this age of high information technologies should monitor the condition of the park in the old computer? You have to understand that time – money and the faster will be the admin to react to everything happening on the network, the faster it can solve problems and resolve issues.

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