In Hollywood

January 23rd, 2017

It does not make much time that the parents or grandmothers taught that the men had to be gentlemen with the women, or that the people had to respect themselves. It had the concept of that it was basic to the human being the generosity and cordialidade, however, today, any one is subject to be interpreted as obsolete or to be exceeded if thus making. When somebody is noticed in action of goodness it is defined as pateta and somebody that acts maldosamente for times receives applauses, will have, with certainty, a prognostic of that the society walks the wide steps for an amoral world and repleto of conflicts. All the problems of the inversion of pointed values reflect directly in the convivncia of any social group. It will be noticed in the family, children who do not respect the parents, and if making, until they will be criticized by its friends.

We will have couples without essential principles to a lasting and healthful convivncia. It will not have resignation, understanding and well-being between spouses, therefore the man who to resign will be had por ' ' dominado' ' the woman if making will be titleholder for ' ' Amlia' '. The good employee will be ' ' he pulls-saco' ' the neglecter will be exemplary. The unfaithful spouse will be well-visa and the fidiciary office will be subestimado. The values are forcene every day by diverse ways and attitudes in the relationships. All the moment the people are restrained by acting with cordialidade simultaneously stimulated to transgress the moral principles.

It is easy to understand why Rui Barbosa said: ' ' Of in such a way seeing to win the nullities, of in such a way seeing to prosper the dishonour, in such a way seeing to grow the injustice, in such a way seeing the powers at the hands of the bad ones to exaggerate, the man arrive to discourage of the virtue, to laugh themselves at the honor, to have shame of being honesto' '. If it cannot ignore the great influence of the medias in the spreading them contraventions and the principle in addition as behavior model. It is clear, in performances of novels and films, the bad ones to receive affection and the good ones for being ridicularizados. In Hollywood, vitiated and the rejection-da-law they are white of I appraise and as mentioned previously, in reality-shows bad-boys the winners are favourite. He will depend on the leaders, orators, council members, writers and agents of similar positions, to propagate the good concepts and to infuse the repudiation to me the behavior, as well as recognizing with I appraise the good customs. The inversion of values compromises social conviviality and must be fought with severity through people compromised to the human development and the social progress.


Prepaid – Not Only In The Field Of Mobile Radio

January 3rd, 2017

On the opportunities and risks of the term prepaid payment concept known in recent years primarily for products and services on the mobile phone market. Prepaid stands for SIM cards one recharges with credits that you can from then. New providers, better control of costs and cheaper fares have made quickly, that prepaid became a model of success in the mobile area and pulling more and more customers from the hitherto leading contract. The ways of paying ahead but not only confined to the mobile sector, but are versatile. So have been in recent years increasingly credit cards on the market that use exactly this system is made: you can use them while pay but only if one has previously charged them with credit. This then has nothing to do with credit, corresponds to the prepaid concept but to one hundred percent.

Another example of this model can be found on the energy market. So far, customers paid monthly deductions and got a settlement over the 12 months consumed power. This model is not very transparent and control of costs is hardly given. Prepaid providers want to change that now range in the stream. Can you power packages buy (for example 2,500 kilowatt-hours) that you paid in advance and then gradually can consume. Because the provider the risk of payment failure no longer exists and no money for the recovery of accounting must be applied, they can offer much cheaper rates and so customers with prepaid electricity save money monthly. The downside: You must already be sure that the provider also provides the power and not (like in times of economic crisis definitely possible) goes bankrupt. Here, you should consider and inform may advance through the provider. Despite this risk, prepaid might have on the electricity market as alternative success – it will show the next few years. Bastian Ebert
