Expert Tips To The Car Insurance Exchange

October 18th, 2016

Expert Tip for you: car insurance still move Cologne, 25.11.09 – the deadline for the termination of the insurance within reach. But spontaneous customers can submit their resignation until November 30 and change the insurance company to the beginning of the year. Although usually not lack of good alternatives, consumers often shy away from an Exchange. “This not least due to the almost proverbial confusing of the insurance,” explains Jorg Stroisch, editor in Chief of money$ This can be usually avoid surprises with a little preparation. What car insurance is the right one? Not the same rules apply to all consumers.

“Who owns an ancient car, needs no full or partial cover insurance more” advises stroisch on. “For the drive letter can be but all the more meaningful.” This is not in general but the existentially necessary safeguards. Here the “cheap variants”, often just differ as an attachment to the Insurance included, from “Comfort solutions” offered by automobile clubs and insurance companies alike. New and expensive cars, usually also a motor vehicle comprehensive insurance is advisable, “who can finance his car is past da eh not served”, so stroisch on. Comprehensive – or partial cover insurance? It’s very strong performance, a comparison is important here. Thorsten Rudnik in conversation with money$ eligkeiten more to the issues car insurance in the second part of the money$ eligkeiten-interviews with Thorsten Rudnik.

The insurance expert from the Federation of the insured explains why it is not worth to squint at the car insurance only on the premium. Also: Cases in which most complaints by insured there. Read the second part of the interview: Thorsten Rudnik on the change of car insurance. Through the journalist’s Office stroisch on that is journalist Office stroisch on specializing in the areas of insurance, retirement, real estate, and travel. Reference customers include for example WirtschaftsWoche online and the Haufe Publishing House. A special focus is also on the content and design of online media. So the Office for the Haufe publishing house looked after the site editorial. In addition to, also the dance website belongs to own website projects of the Office. The Office has existed since 2002. Since November 2006 the journalist Office stroisch on recognized training company of the IHK Cologne.

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Makes Money Happy Or Not?

October 11th, 2016

Whether money makes happy, often depends on the money itself is a magic word, often unconsciously, leading the people since time immemorial, happiness. Homo sapiens does not always witty things looking for the treasure. It leads one in foreign countries, others on the couch of the neighbor. The fact is only that we aspire to happiness and a life long. But what is actually lucky? “There is happiness, I’ve heard of it”. Gesualdo Bufalino wrote. But it passed to him. Quite a few believe are today reflected in these words.

To the question what is lucky, will get sure a bunch of different answers. The Israeli billionaire Jacob Burak explained in his bestselling “do chimpanzees dream of retirement” the fallacy which many succumb. It is the little things every day, making happy little pleasures: an unexpected phone call, meeting with a friend, a smile, a good deed he wants to tell us that money is not the key to happiness. Friends, family, a sunny day, children are important… Nothing new, Barbara serves its readers. It is but strange that it always those who float like Dagobert Duck in the money, explained to the guru of the banal and eliminate money for good luck.

A pity is that those who must work hard for their daily bread, evening freely have upside, to formulate their theories on the happiness. But one can assume that the less money a person has, the money not only in planning is the central but also affects the individual feels like luck. Therefore it is understandable, if in Barbara’s mind money no longer matters, has yet it more than enough. If he even would think if he would lose his money overnight? A.Frentzel

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October 7th, 2016

A team of dog and man turns, jumps and runs to the music and delighted the audience with great tricks, spectacular deposits and great Choreographies. The performance of the animals is in the foreground, though people may not place on the lazy skin. In the 1990s, DogDance developed simultaneously in the United States, in Canada and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the sport in Germany finds more and more followers. Any breed of dog (also a disabled dog) can learn to dance with the people.

Only requirements are good concentration and a very good binding to the dog handlers. DogDance is not a classic indoor dog sports; He can be trained anywhere, in between, and no equipment. In every corner, a place to the exercise. DogDance especially for family dogs and older dogs is also suitable. You can promote them wonderfully through the dance and request and still pay attention to their individual needs. “Who is the DDI? dog dance international e.V. DDI is a registered charity with the aim of dog sports dog dance” to make known internationally.

It was established on November 14, 2009. The aim of the founding members was the DogDancern a world-wide, to provide discrimination-free and barrier-free organizational structure without constricting the spontaneity, creativity and inventiveness of this dog sport. Borders is just the animal protection law and in particular the obligation to promote the health of man and dog, and maintain. DDI (dog dance international e.V.) developed the competition rules, educates judges and awards license issues. This license issues entitle Dogdancer to participate in tournaments, which are aligned according to the guidelines of the DDI. The members of the dog dance international e.V. to promote the Association through the membership fees and their voluntary participation in the semi-formal, management capabilities and time-limited projects. Each Member can participate in the discussion on the revision and further development of the competition rules, to the annual dog dance Convention takes part. Wishes and suggestions are previously submitted, discussed and voted or decided more measures. Once again many thanks to all sponsors (, Animonda, happy dog, Dehner Garden Center, Sameer, Wofbrause,, dog and leisure, lucky pet, Nobby, Steinis PetShop, Mac BBs dog food, best food, flexi), without which such a tournament would be impractical. We are looking forward to the next tournament by Melanie Felix. Learn more about the dog dance at: more information (reports and videos) to the dog dance – tournament in Siek:. individual Matthias Beirer – DDI / public relations


Steinis PetShop

October 6th, 2016

A team of dog and man turns, jumps and runs to the music and delighted the audience with great tricks, spectacular deposits and great Choreographies. The performance of the animals is in the foreground, though people may not place on the lazy skin. In the 1990s, DogDance developed simultaneously in the United States, in Canada and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the sport in Germany finds more and more followers. Any breed of dog (also a disabled dog) can learn to dance with the people. Only requirements are good concentration and a very good binding to the dog handlers. DogDance is not a classic indoor dog sports; He can be trained anywhere, in between, and no equipment. In every corner, a place to the exercise.

DogDance especially for family dogs and older dogs is also suitable. You can promote them wonderfully through the dance and request and still pay attention to their individual needs. “Who is the DDI? dog dance international e.V. DDI is a registered charity with the aim of dog sports dog dance” to make known internationally. It was established on November 14, 2009. The aim of the founding members was the DogDancern a world-wide, to provide discrimination-free and barrier-free organizational structure without constricting the spontaneity, creativity and inventiveness of this dog sport. Borders is just the animal protection law and in particular the obligation to promote the health of man and dog, and maintain.

DDI (dog dance international e.V.) developed the competition rules, educates judges and awards license issues. This license issues entitle Dogdancer to participate in tournaments, which are aligned according to the guidelines of the DDI. The members of the dog dance international e.V. to promote the Association through the membership fees and their voluntary participation in the semi-formal, management capabilities and time-limited projects. Each Member can participate in the discussion on the revision and further development of the competition rules, to the annual dog dance Convention takes part. Wishes and suggestions are previously submitted, discussed and voted or decided more measures. Once again many thanks to all sponsors (, Animonda, happy dog, Dehner Garden Center, Sameer, Wofbrause,, dog and leisure, lucky pet, Nobby, Steinis PetShop, Mac BBs dog food, best food, flexi), without which such a tournament would be impractical. We are looking forward to the next tournament by Melanie Felix. Learn more about the dog dance at: more information (reports and videos) to the dog dance – tournament in Siek:. individual Matthias Beirer – DDI / public relations
