Organic Laws of Education
July 11th, 2012It also had the known reform as Organic Laws of Education, the Minister of the Education and Public Health Gustavo Capanema in 1942 that through Decree it regulated Primary Ensino, Normal Ensino, Industrial Ensino, Commercial Ensino and Secondary Ensino, being this last one destined to give ' ' general intellectual preparation that can more serve of the base the raised studies of special formation; to form (…) the personality of the adolescents; to accent and to raise (…) the patriotic conscience and the conscience humanstica' '. It is possible to also detach that it had an incentive to the professional education destined to the formation of workmanship hand to supply the necessities of the market, since was created at this time (1942 to the 1946) the SENAI, SENAC and Agricultural Ensino. It enters some branches of the technician and secondary it did not have no possibility of opening, therefore this only was to happen in 1953 (Law 1,821). Equivalence was a victory of that they considered to be education so noble and so worthy professional technician as secondary education. At this time already she was being argued a new law, the first Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education (Law 4,024/61). The first project of the Law was presented in 1948, thirteen years before the final approval, that for the first time turned on all the levels and, at the same time, validated all for the domestic territory. LDB 5,692/71 starts to call the old elementary school of 1 Degree extends and it for eight years obligator.
The secondary one, now called 2 degree, became from now on, professionalizing. Law 5,692/71 is modified by Law 7044/82, therefore this transformed the qualification for the work into preparation for the work. 2 professionalizing degree emptied then the collegiate public of general formation, of good academic quality. With this the public sector lost quality and it did not obtain to prepare human resources of compatible level technician with the demands of the work market.
Tags: education