Chronic Words
June 20th, 2012The sin of the language and the force of the words As a so small member can, until then harmless, to have the power to finish with a person, a family and why not to say a nation! Already ' is Biblical; ' who guard its mouth, keeps its life, who very opens the lips if perde' ' (Prov.13.03). ' ' who guard its mouth and its language, preserves its life of angstia' ' (Prov.21.23). Because he will be that God, in its full wisdom it left diverse tickets of which they alert in them on the words that leave our mouth. I believe that it stops showing in them that a word badly placed can in them bring losses and defeats in elapsing of our lives. You already perceived that certain curse exists when the mouth confides to speak badly of somebody. He can make the test, thinks about the people of which you ' ' he peeled abacaxi' ' notices if after some time you are not making the same thing. To the times we criticize a friend because he is sluggish, badly humorado, we point its defects and in the end we turn the copy this person, this when we do not make worse.
The base is this, does not criticize, does not condemn the others. The worse step of our language is our claims, that do not serve for nothing. Who was that it created the claim. Until today not vi benefits when we open the mouth to pour all that negatividade that in them does not take the nothing and yes for the hole. The claim alone serves stops blocking in them for the life, in hindering to follow route to the victory. We complain of the government, God, of the situations, if it is raining or if it is Sun and we never know which the true value of each day. It has can in the words, everything what you proclamation are what really happens.
What you have attracted for its life and the life of the next people you? The blessing when you thank and praise the God for difficulties and conditions of the life, or the curse when it complains of everything and of all and many times if of nor the chance not to see a light in the end of the tunnel. Generally people who speak excessively are not so heard for that they are its return, they lose its value. The person who little speaks, demonstrates wisdom of the situations ahead, therefore she thinks before speaking and she acts in accordance with what listening of its next one. We need to ask for to wisdom the God when we open the mouth, this does not mean that you have that to be dumb. Quite to the contrary, they must display its ideas, its limits. The colloquy, the dialogue nothing more is of what exchange of experiences some healthful times and others nor in such a way. I do not know as you will go to control its language, but never if she forgets, has to be able in the words, what you proclamation, if carry through, think about this before opening the mouth.
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