Sleep-Grass Usage
August 5th, 2011Sleep-grass. In Russia, 26 species of plants and they are poisonous because they contain in their composition of matter anemonin, protoanemonin and saponin. It has long herbaceous plants crude rhizome straight stem, leaves from the thick fluffy white hair, flowers have a strong odor, causing tearing. The plant grows in sandy sunny meadows, along roadsides, in pine forests. It is nearly spread throughout Russia, but particularly well in the eastern part of Polesie, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the equipment for cleaning pads. The plant has long been known in folk medicine.
Its used for nervous disorders, as a narcotic drug for insomnia, toothache, whooping cough, bronchitis. Son-grass depressing effect on the central nervous system, so when you work with it must be observed caution (only work in a well ventilated area). The thymus is normal. Perennial herbaceous climber with fleshy, dark brown, thick, whitish inside the root up to 1 m, requires cleaning pads. Stems climbing and climbing up to 4 m. The leaves are alternate, long, leaf blade ovate, entire, membranous, glabrous, 8-14 cm long plant found in the forests of the lower and middle mountain zone of the Crimea and the Caucasus, especially often – in beech and chestnut forests of Abkhazia.
All parts of plant are poisonous. The plant is little studied. The roots contain tamusa formic and oxalic acid, alkaloid substances, glycosides, saponins and tannins and. In The fruits contain carotenoids, lycopene and likoksantin and mucus. Roots tamusa used in folk medicine in Georgia and other Caucasus regions externally in the treatment of rheumatism and sciatica. Industrial procurement in an amount several tens of tons per year are possible in Chernigov, Kiev, Cherkassy, Poltava, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions during the restoration. A significant amount of this material may be cure in Bashkortostan, Altai Mountains, Tuva. Nature reserves celandine hundreds of times greater than the need for this raw material.
Tags: medicine, Traditional medicine