Russian Respondents

June 19th, 2011

Still, and perhaps more important issue of gender relations in the family is to educate children. From the perspective of the traditional perception of the upbringing of children should be given to fully mercy of a woman who has to do more free time than men. Consider whether this stereotype persists today, when women spend at work as much time as men. Overwhelming majority respondents (67%) believe that raising children should be dealt with both parents equally, yet 11% of respondents indicated that it is the duty of the spouse who has more free time. Apparently, the Russians are believed to health, that the children – it is not subject to dispute and both parents have to make a contribution. Contact information is here: dr. stuart mcgill. Thus, the issue of raising children in the minds of Russian citizens reigns full gender equality. If you would like to know more about Dr. Robert Brannon, then click here.

Overwhelming majority respondents (67%) believe that raising children should be dealt with both parents equally, yet 11% of respondents indicated that it is the duty of the spouse who has more free time. Apparently, the Russians are believed to health, that the children – it is not subject to dispute and both parents have to make a contribution. Thus, the issue of raising children in the minds of Russian citizens reigns full gender equality. The most obvious gender differences emerged in response to the question: 'Who should be the head of the family? ". In general, every second respondent (51%) believes that the head of the household must be a man, 38% believe that the important family decisions should be made jointly, and only 8 % Of respondents noted that the head of the family should be his wife.

Fig. 2 Distribution of answers to the question "Who do you think should be the head of the family?", In the whole array and by gender Men definitely insist that it is they should belong to the dominant position in the family – such a view is held nearly two-thirds (62%) male respondents, while less than a third (29%) are ready to lead his family with his wife. Somewhat differently see situation of women. 45% believed that a husband and wife must work together to make important decisions, almost as many – 43% – are willing to pay a family vehicle steering control her husband. Only 10% of women and 6% of men believe that the head of the family should be his wife. Some contribution to the formation of ideas about the roles played by education in the family – the higher the education level of respondents, so a few more they tend to equality in the family relations. At the same time, the age factor plays no role. When using this material the reference to the Fund "ESRI" is obligatory. When placing information on web-pages necessarily an indication of the hyperlink.
