February 21st, 2011
A significant number of the world's population regularly refers to the small doping. And what are the cigarettes. Smokers insist on some kind of beneficial effects of inhaled their smoke, they say – it soothes the nerves, gives quick and relatively easy to relax, some believe that it is aesthetically pleasing, but someone just hands to do nothing during the conversation with smoking colleagues. On the dangers of smoking probably know everything, and many are likely to heard of another term, directly associated with it – "passive smoking". True, most people still are not serious enough to what is in front of them smoke more.
We then think – so what, let the smoke of his health, I do not smoke, and I'll be fine. So it is so, but not quite. The fact that, according to a recent study that appeared in the journal Pediatrics (Pediatrics), passive smoking is much more serious damage to the human body than expected. Maximum impact from secondhand smoke account for the following two categories of people: colleagues at work, regularly found in smoke-filled room and nonsmokers by family members if one of the household smokes. Whereas in the latter case caused the damage could have significant consequences. The fact that, according to opinion polls, which have been subjected to more than 1400 families, only 24% of homes had been strictly established home rule – to smoke in the house prohibited.
But even in this case, at the end of the process of smoking on their clothes and hair, smoking remains of the particle, every day breathing in that household get their undeserved dose of secondhand smoke. In addition, researchers highlighted the fact that the presence of pregnant women or children in the immediate vicinity of a smoker increases the chance of deterioration in the health of mother and unborn babies, and, moreover, can highly undesirable impact on the subsequent development and ability to learn. Naturally, or not to smoke – it is a conscious choice that everyone makes for himself. Someone overly tense robot and it needs at least somehow relieves stress, someone at an early age could not say no, but it's late now, someone is just lonely, but for a cigarette can be a good chat. However, it's just excuses and you can find thousands, to reduce the degree of his guilt, and you try to find at least one reason to finally get out of this bluish captivity.
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February 12th, 2011
3.Net side effects. 4.Problemy eliminated naturally. 5.Ne used chemicals, often resulting in dependence. 6.Povyshaet awareness and understanding of his own body. Self-discovery is the key to preventing bolezney.V Qigong subject of study is the internal energy of the person, while Western science and more attention given to the study of energy outside the human body. This energy, called chi in China. This concept has been interpreted on the previous page sayta.U us you will learn how to touch, to recognize and feel the energy (Qi), rather than imagining invent. Mens weight training is not frequently seen there. We teach not what to do and how to do it.
Understanding the principles and having the skills to work with chi later, you will be able to properly perform any exercises Qigong, even in the book and make it more correctly, than there managed to opisat.Svoimi roots history of Chinese Chi Kung goes in antiquity. And despite the fact that the name has changed, the principle was one. It is not possible to know when they first began to engage the people most likely Long before its appearance. Joke? Yes, but not quite a joke. Now I will explain. Qigong has a huge number, hundreds of thousands of different and even quite similar to each other exercises. But recognizing the principles on which they based, it is becoming clear and simple. For example, consider one. You know that all animals involved in qigong, even the most simple, and yet it is so. All the animals stretch. And you wake up in the morning and slept, usually stretching and yawning sweet, huh? This is the qigong, almost qigong. The key word here is “sweet”, just to stretch, yawn, not holding back, and enjoy a very pleasant tingling vibrations throughout the body, and the wave passing up and down, and then sweet relaxation, this is Qigong.
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February 12th, 2011
I guess the usual articles and tips on how to recover from the effects of holidays are reading men, but the holidays – a comprehensive deal that also reluctant to think about how to recover. In fact, starting alcohol – it's too late. Clothes for tall women is not frequently seen there. Let's start with the hangover. Options, how to get rid of, are plenty. I'll tell you a recipe that helps me personally. Of course, the immediate effect will not, but make life easier. Organism, exhausted by alcohol, wants all again fell into place, and at least requires the fluid and minerals. Morning 'sushnyak' – this is no accident, because alcohol, whether beer is, vodka or tequila any, make your body to rapidly lose moisture. This, of course, a complete mismatch of your personal aspirations and needs of your body: you want to drink, and he wants to get rid of degrees. So the first step to make you feel better – it make liquid-salt balance. In general, the drink should be. But not plain water, and certainly not boiled. Because we have an imbalance here and so complete, and flush out the remaining salt water all the more not worth it. Must be able to drink! For me, the best version of the drink in the morning – black tea with sugar and lemon, in second place – the orange juice. Mineral water – also an option especially if it is a little salty. Well, no one has repealed the activated carbon: one tablet per 10 kg bodyweight.
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